Page 19 of Securing His Heart
Her hands shook as she picked up the cup and he was ready to jump into action if it looked like she was about to spill the hot beverage over herself. Yet, his Lindy gripped the cup and took a sip, grimacing at the sweetness.
“Ugh, that’s awful.”
He laughed, pleased to see that some color had returned to her face. When he’d confirmed that her attack wasn’t random, he’d worried that she was about to faint, her face had gone so pale so quickly. “I know but it helps with shock.”
“You’d think I’d have gone into shock last night.”
“Shock can manifest in different ways. Last night you may have thought you were fine, but you weren’t.”
Lindy nodded and took another sip of the tea, before pushing it away. “I can’t take any more of that. What do we do next?” She might have been looking at him but the question was directed to the others in the room, too.
“Wilt will review the footage again to see if we can extract a reasonable face image of the guy who took your bag. As well as the gentleman who took it from your attacker.” Steve drummed his fingers on the table indicating to Chris he was itching to get to the bottom of this mystery.
Join the club, buddy.
Not able to keep his hands resting casually on the table any longer, he inched his fingers across the shiny tabletop until they rested against Lindy’s.
Pleasure warmed him when she hooked her little finger around his. “It’s clear they were looking for something. Do you have any idea?” he asked the question that he knew everyone else was thinking.
“God, it could be anything. I’m working on a lot of things at the moment. Trying to keep my head above water. The board is breathing down my neck. I’m trying to get myself up to speed with what Dad was working on before he died. It’s a lot.”
Her comment about being a lot reminded him of the evening, how she’d said she’d had quite the day.
“Okay, I think we’ll need to break it all down so that we can tackle all those points one at a time. Is there anyone who isn’t happy about you taking over your father’s role? Like his 2IC?”
Lindy shook her head. “I was his second in command. He was coaching and preparing me to take over from him. Only we both thought we had more time for the handover than we did. More time to ease the board into believing I’m capable to the do the job.” She looked up at him, her blue eyes brimming with tears. “I am good at my job. I am the right one to take over. Dad believed in me and I’m not going to let him down.”
Chris cupped her cheek, his thumb catching the lone tear that’d broken the barrier. “I believe in you. We’ll find out what’s going and make sure that they don’t hurt you or your mom.”
Her eyes widened at the mention of her mum. “Oh God, I didn’t even think she might be in danger. Her mental state is a little fragile after Dad’s death, I’m scared if I say anything it might tip her over the edge.”
“Where is she?”
“She’s living in the house she and Dad were going to live in after he retired. It’s in Yallingup.”
He threw a glance at Steve, who gave a slight nod.
“We’ll make sure she’s kept safe,” his friend said.
“I’ll pay whatever is necessary to ensure that happens.” Determination lit her voice.
Chris imagined when she was in the boardroom, Lindy was a formidable force. He would bet that she didn’t believe that she had the ability. Her father’s untimely death had obviously rocked her confidence and someone on the board, or close to the board, was no doubt playing on that.
“I know.” He pushed back from the table and stood. “How about we go sort out your car?” No way was he going to let her out of his sight, not while there was danger lurking around her.
“You don’t have to come with me. I’m sure you’ve got things to do.”
Chris stepped close to her, not caring that Steve and Damon were still in the conference room.
The rest of the team had departed, no doubt digging into Lindy’s company to see if they could find any leads that could help solve why she was being targeted.
The need to touch her all the time was one he couldn’t ignore and he didn’t plan to. He held her hands against his chest.
Could she feel the rapid tattoo of his heartbeat?
“All I’ve got to do is whatever you need to do. I’m not leaving you.”