Page 68 of Unforgettable You
“Mmmhmmm, and did you drift anywhere in particular?” She smirked.
“So, Reid and I had a little situation last night. I’m not going to give you all the details, because they’re private, but we kind of fooled around, I guess?” That was what you’d call it, right? Mutual masturbation to be specific, but I wasn’t going to get into all of that with Larison.
“Oh my god, you didn’t!” she squealed, and I told her how it had gone down and how absolutely amazing it was.
“Wow, so she changed her tune, huh?”
I nodded. “Yeah, pretty much. It was like she flipped a switch and she was all over me. It was… It was incredible, Larison.” I couldn’t let myself get going or else I’d spill all the most salacious parts of the night.
“Okay, so what does this mean now? Are you together?”
Wasn’t that the question? I didn’t have an answer for her.
“I don’t know. We’re going together to her friend’s parent’s party tomorrow, but I don’t think it’s like a date or anything.” I should have asked. Since we were meeting all her friends, I should at least know what to tell them about us.
“It kind of sounds like a date, though. You’re going as her plus one.”
“I mean, technically? But I’d originally agreed to go as friends. And it’s not a wedding, there aren’t plus ones, Larison.” I rolled my eyes.
“Sure, love, whatever you say.” She chuckled and shook her head, absolutely amused by this whole thing.
“You’re supposed to be supporting me, not mocking me!” I said, but I was laughing.
“I’m sorry. Well. I’m not that sorry, but I am thrilled for you. I know I haven’t gotten to meet her, but from what you’ve told me, I think she has good taste. I’ll have to give my true opinion when I come to visit.”
“And when will that be?” I asked. I knew it was hard for her to coordinate everything with school and Juniper.
“End of the summer? I’ll have a short window before fall semester starts and the moms were planning to come to me to make it easier, but I think I’d like to come up with Juniper instead. Stay at the house and let them spoil and cook for us and just rest where I’m comfortable. Which means I would definitely have to have some Sophie time.” That sounded perfect.
“Listen, I should go in so I can make sure my daughter isn’t biting anyone, but I’ll let you know about coming up. And you let me know all about the party and any and all updates with Reid. I’m living vicariously!”
She blew me a kiss and we hung up as I flopped back on the couch.
Reid had work in a few hours, but I hoped that I’d see her today. Just as I was considering getting up and knocking on her door, there was a knock at mine.
Grinning, I bounded over and checked to make sure it was Reid through the peephole.
“Hi,” I said, trying not to throw myself at her. She already had her work clothes on, and she looked amazing.
“Hey,” she said, smiling slowly. “I thought we should have some space but then I guess I couldn’t stay away from you.” Her cheeks were pink as she admitted it.
“Ohhh, I see. You couldn’t get enough of me.” I reached out to snag her T-shirt and used it to reel her into my apartment and then closer until her mouth was on mine.
“Mmmm,” I said. She tasted delicious, like she’d just brushed her teeth.
Reid kissed me in that unhurried way of hers that made my mind completely blank out. God, she was good at that. I almost wished she would give me kissing lessons.
“Fuck,” she groaned, pulling back, but keeping her forehead connected to mine as she held me. “You’re dangerous. If I keep kissing you, I’ll never go to work.”
“I could always come with you. I’ll sit at the end of the bar and every time you needed a kiss I’d be right there.” It was an appealing idea, even if it was impractical. There was no way I could handle being at Sapph for that many hours.
“While that is a very sweet idea, you’d be too much of a distraction and I’d be dropping glasses right and left and that would be dangerous not only for me, but for everyone else behind the bar.”
She kissed my forehead and leaned back but didn’t let go of me. Little bubbles of happiness fizzed in my stomach at having her here and so close.
“Are you sure you’re okay coming with me tomorrow?” she asked again.
“Yup. I also wanted to ask you what I should say to your friends. I mean, what do they know about me?” Did they know about me?