Page 69 of Unforgettable You
“Oh,” Reid said, blowing out a noisy breath. “I hadn’t really thought about that. Been too busy reliving other moments. Um, what did you want to tell them?”
“We can tell them that we’re friends. Because we are. Or we could tell them something else, but that’s a decision we need to make together, don’t you think?” I wasn’t going to assume anything.
“I mean, this doesn’t just feel like friendship, Soph. It feels like something else.” Her eyes fluttered closed as we breathed each other in.
“Yeah, it does.” My voice was soft. “If you had to put a definition or a label on it, what would you call it?”
She made a face. “Normally I am not a fan of labels. But I think we can say we’re seeing each other, yeah?”
I leaned back just a little bit to study her face.
“So, dating, right? That’s what we’re talking about?”
Reid nodded. “Yeah. Dating. Seeing each other. Same thing.” Were they? I wasn’t sure.
“Okay, so we’re dating.”
Reid inhaled a deep breath.
“You okay with that?” I asked, raising one eyebrow.
“Surprisingly? Yes. I thought it was going to make me want to panic and run away, but hearing you say it just makes sense. Of course we’re dating. Why wouldn’t we be?”
I grinned. “I completely agree. Can you just promise me one thing, though?”
“Sure, anything,” she said.
“Can you promise me that if it gets to be too much, or if you’re having second thoughts, or you want to bail, that you’ll talk to me first? Don’t disappear on me, please. Don’t shut the door in my face.” If things were going to end between us, I wanted us to be mature about it.
She licked her lips. “Yeah. Yeah, I can do that. I promise. I won’t… I wouldn’t treat you like that, Soph. I respect you.” I knew she did, but I had to get that out there.
“Good. Is there anything you need from me?” I asked her.
“Just to be patient with me, if you can? And talk to me. I don’t want you to be afraid to talk to me about anything. I know you’re new to all of this. We’ll go however slow you need to go. I won’t be disappointed.” Her smile was warm, and it wrapped around me like a hug.
We swayed side to side a little together, as if we were dancing. “Does that mean we can do more things like last night? Because last night was one of the best nights of my life with no exaggeration.” It was probably the best night of my life, but she didn’t need to know that.
Reid gave me one of her full smiles. I wanted to fold it up and put it in my pocket for safekeeping.
“Me too. You really did like it?”
“Yes,” I said, kissing her. “I did. I liked it too much.”
It had been so hot, having her give me commands and following them, even when I didn’t like what she told me to do. At any moment, I could have told her to fuck off and done whatever I wanted, but letting her have the control? It was so much better. Hearing her voice change and seeing her face while she’d given me those commands had taken the experience over the top to something I never expected.
I wanted more. I needed more.
“So you want to do it again?” she asked.
“And again and again and again—” She cut me off with more kisses as she laughed into my mouth.
“I wish we could do that tonight, but I have to work. But tomorrow night, I’m free. If you are.”
If I hadn’t been free, I would have told her I was and canceled anything for her.
“Yeah, I can be free,” I said, going for nonchalance.
Reid dove forward and gave me another kiss. “Good. I’ll come grab you tomorrow for the party.”