Page 34 of Peer & Coco
Chapter 13
Three days later, Roar, Elling, and Brage surrounded Peer in the alley. Coco waited off to the side after leaving Tyr with Holly in the clubhouse and promising to see him after work.
Heather and Monica came outside and joined her in waiting for Roar to open the back door of the bar.
"What's keeping everyone?" Monica raised her hand and shielded her eyes from the evening sun.
"I don't know." Coco whispered, "Jackie was out here when we arrived earlier."
Elling's woman rarely came around Slag, much less came into the alley. It was the first time Coco had seen her near the clubhouse. Knowing she was blood kin to Brikken Motorcycle Club, she found herself leery around her.
Slag Motorcycle Club protected the family. The clubhouse and alley were safe places for the women and children of members.
While she wanted to believe another woman wasn't here to cause trouble, she had to think of Tyr inside. Though, Peer remained relaxed when she brought up the subject of having someone else, from another motorcycle club, on the property.
"Strange." Heather fanned her face with her hand. "Did she leave?"
"I think so." Coco looked around the alley, not seeing Jackie. "Maybe she came on her own and not with Elling since he's still here."
"Whew, it is hot tonight." Heather exhaled loudly. "I'm going to go stand by the back door of the bar in the shade before my makeup melts off my face. The heat is killing me the last couple of days. I need air conditioning."
The men broke up. Roar headed across the alley with Brage and Elling while Peer looked around and found her waiting. He headed toward her.
She met him halfway. "You guys were looking pretty serious. Everything okay?"
"Ja." He looped his arm over her shoulders. "I'm going to have a cigarette before I head in."
"I'll stay out here with you." She set down her bag she'd brought with her and tilted her head up to the sunshine. "Lizzy mentioned coming by tonight for dinner. I hope she can make it."
"What's she doing with the baby?" He lit a smoke.
She shrugged. "I assumed she'd take Hanne to the clubhouse and let one of the women watch her, or she might bring her into the bar. She's too young to be aware of what goes on in there."
He blew smoke above his head. "Roar needs me after work."
His brow lowered. "Do you think you can bunk in one of the rooms upstairs at the clubhouse until I get done?"
"There's no reason for that. I'll take Tyr home, and we both can sleep in our own beds." She pushed her short hair behind her ears and straightened her earrings. "Tyr's doing so well sleeping through the night, I'd hate for his schedule to get messed up now."
He nodded. "I'll have Dag escort you home after work."
Having seen and been subject to Roar acting protective of Lizzy when she lived with them, she accepted Peer's suggestion as concern for her. She'd gotten used to having him with her coming and going from work, making her feel safe.
She still remembered when Roar got shot. While Slag Motorcycle Club provided safety, there were dangers being associated with them.
"Should I be worried?" she asked.
"Nei," he said, slipping back to answering her in Norwegian.
He stubbed out his cigarette and pocketed the butt. She watched him, waiting for him to expand on his reasons for wanting her escorted home, but he only picked up her bag, handing it to her, and gathered her hand in his and led her to the back door of the bar.
Peer kissed her before dropping her off in the breakroom. Separated from him, she got ready for work. There was no sense in worrying. He'd be home tomorrow morning, and they'd start another day together.
EIGHT HOURS LATER,after a busy work night, she kissed Peer goodbye and went and sat in the driver's seat with Tyr in his car seat behind her.