Page 48 of Peer & Coco
Chapter 19
Tyr babbled in hisspot in the grocery cart, pointing excitedly at the car. Coco lifted two bags and put them in the trunk.
"You have to wait until we get home. That was the deal." She grabbed more groceries, keeping her foot behind the wheel of the cart to keep Tyr within her grasp. "We need to make sure it's okay with your pappa. But, between you and me, I think we can convince him to let you give them a try."
She put the next bag on top of the one containing the cinnamon graham cracker bears, hiding the box from his view. How Tyr knew that they were a kids' snack was bordering brilliance, in her opinion. Without a television in the house, Tyr hadn't seen any commercial for them or would know what they were, but he wanted them—and he threw a micro-fit in the store until she let him carry the box while she finished the shopping.
Done putting the groceries in the car, she closed the trunk and wheeled Tyr to the cart return where she picked him up and carried him through the parking lot. Finding Dag sitting on his motorcycle at the end of the line, she waved.
"Look, Tyr." She moved him to her hip and pointed. "Wave to Dag."
He squirmed to get down without seeing the Slag member. She held on to him tighter. He was getting so big, and when he wanted to move, he put up a struggle.
Walking between the cars, she hit the button on her keyring, unlocking the vehicle. "Whew, it's getting warm out."
At the rear of the car, she heard someone call her name. Turning, she looked around the area, coming to a shocking stop at the sight of Kelli hurrying toward her. Panicked, she blindly fumbled behind her, searching for the door handle.
"Coco." Kelli arrived in front of her, out of breath and staring at Tyr.
She turned her body, keeping Tyr out of Kelli's reach. "You need to leave."
Go home. Go wherever she came from. Go to hell.
She wouldn't allow Kelli to take Tyr away from her or force Peer to take his son to Norway.
"Can I please see him?" Kelli leaned to the side and at her first glimpse of Tyr, covered her mouth, stifling the gasp-filled sob.
"No." Coco turned completely around, facing the car, and fought to open the handle while trying to keep a squirming child against her chest.
The door gave way, and she wiggled into the opening she'd created. "Hang in there, sweet face," she whispered, putting him in the car seat.
Tyr fussed and stiffened his little body like a board. She pushed his middle down and quickly harnessed him in.
Making sure she still had the car key with her, she shut the door and faced Kelli. "Peer will hear about this. You can't approach me, thinking you'll get to your son without Peer's permission. How selfish of you not to even think of what you're doing to a baby. You're a stranger to him. Are you trying to scare him?"
Seething, she minutely shook her head. "Don't come around me again. If you have something to discuss with Peer, contact him. I don't want to be involved in your...your problems."
Kelli's hand came out, her fingers grasping air. "He's my son."
Coco rubbed the base of her neck, studying the way Kelli stared at the darkened window of the car. "I know this must be hard on you, but for Tyr's sake, please talk with Peer."
"Tyr?" Kelli slowly raised her head, her wet, dull gaze meeting Coco's. "Peer named him Tyr?"
The rumble of a motorcycle broke into the questions coming from Kelli. Coco spotted Dag slowing down behind her car.
She raised her hand and nodded, letting Dag know everything was okay. Unsure if the young member recognized Kelli or if he hadn't met her, she wanted to go home and talk to Peer first before he heard about today from someone else.
"I can't do this with you," she whispered, stepping back and opening the driver's door.
She slid into the seat and started the engine. Turning in the seat, she glanced in the seat mirror at Tyr. He sucked his thumb and blinked with heavy lids.
Changing her purpose, she looked behind the car to make sure Dag was out of the way and backed up. Even when she entered the street and headed toward home, she couldn't relax. Her heart hammered as if the wonderful life she had with Peer and Tyr was being slowly ripped away from her.
The pain unbearable, she barely held the tears at bay. Squeezing the steering wheel, she held on to the strength of her love for Peer and the baby in the backseat to get them both safely home.
By the time she pulled into the driveway, the cords of her neck ached clear down into her shoulders. She shut off the car and glanced in the rearview mirror to look at the reflection of Tyr sleeping. Unable to make herself get out of the car and pack him inside, she sat in the silence, only broken by the occasional slurping coming from Tyr sucking on his thumb.
The fact that she was caught in the middle of Peer and Kelli's problems meant things were not okay in her relationship with Peer. How could they move forward with a genuine obstacle like Tyr's mom in the way?