Page 88 of Peer & Coco
Peer frowned. "She didn't cause any trouble, did she?"
"Nope. She was perfect with him." She picked up Tyr and set him on his feet on the floor, letting him totter away.
Peer stepped out of his son's way. She walked forward to follow, and he stopped her.
"What aren't you telling me?" he asked.
"Nothing. She came and talked quietly with Tyr, played with him, held him, and marveled at how wonderful her son is. Sh-she even set a timer on her phone to keep track of time, so she followed the rules you'd set. She never pushed herself on Tyr and took her cues from him. She did everything right." Coco stared at the front of his leather vest. "I better check on Tyr."
"It was fine, Peer." She kept walking and muttered, "Everything was fine."
She might as well hang a banner around Kelli's neck that said 'available—will make a wonderful mother to your child'. Stopping in the kitchen, she held on to the counter and watched Tyr play with his blocks, unaware of the jealousy boiling inside of her.
She had misgivings about moving to Norway. Everything that meant anything to her was here in Portland. But if she could, she would scoop Tyr up in her arms, grab Peer's hand, and run to the airport and get on the first flight out of here.
It was better than waiting around for Kelli to dig her way into their lives and take those she loved away from her.