Page 87 of Peer & Coco
Kelli used every excuse to touch Tyr as she played with his toys and kept up a steady stream of conversation centered to a child. Coco's eyes burned. She had never wanted something for someone else so much, knowing it would be her who suffered.
She got up from the couch and went into the kitchen, keeping Tyr in her view. Taking two water bottles out of the fridge and putting milk in a sippy cup, she returned to the couch.
Waiting until Kelli stopped talking to Tyr, she took the lull in conversation and gave Kelli the water. She started handing the cup to Tyr when she changed her mind and gave it to Kelli.
"He drinks milk out of a cup, but you have to remind him to hand it to you when he's done, or he'll throw it on the floor." She sat back on the couch and watched her interacting with Tyr.
He only took a small drink and tossed it to the floor. Kelli quickly used the hem of her pants to wipe up the splatter.
Tyr crawled over and using Coco's legs, pulled himself to his feet and held out his arms, whining to be picked up. Knowing that he was to spend time with his mother, she hesitated and looked at Kelli. It was her chance to hold him.
Kelli shook her head. "It's okay."
Coco pulled Tyr up onto her lap. He snuggled against her chest. She rubbed his back. He still liked to be held and assured that she or Peer was still in the room with him.
"He's beautiful." Kelli tugged on Tyr's sock, unable to keep her hands off him. "I can see a lot of Peer in him. It's the eyes."
Coco nodded, agreeing. The elation on Kelli's face irritated her. Was she glad that Tyr looked so much like his father because she was still in love with Peer? Was coming here and wanting to see her son all because she wanted back in Peer's life?
Tyr squirmed. She relaxed her hold on him, not realizing she was hugging him tightly to her chest.
"Does he eat and sleep well?" asked Kelli.
She cleared her throat. "Yeah. He's a big eater. He got his first two teeth in when he was four months old and by six months was interested in baby food."
Kelli's gaze warmed. "He's so big. I can't get over how much he's grown."
"He's a healthy boy." She rubbed Tyr's back. "Aren't you, sweet face?"
Kelli whispered, "He wouldn't sleep when he was little."
Coco's chin came up. Kelli had only had him for a week before giving Tyr to Peer. What had she expected?
A soft chime sounded, and Kelli shifted to her hip and pulled out her phone. "I only have fifteen minutes left."
She'd set a timer? The minutes couldn't go fast enough. She wanted her little family back.
"Offer your hands, and he'll go to you," said Coco, needing to rush the visit along.
Kelli followed her directions. "Come here, Tyr. Let me hold you, sweet face."
Every muscle in Coco's body tightened. That was her endearment for Tyr, not Kelli's.
Tyr rubbed his face against Coco's breasts, then looked at Kelli. Used to going to others at the clubhouse, he leaned away from Coco and went to his mom.
Empty handed and hollow, she picked up the bottle of water and used the action to hide the way her hands shook. She couldn't supervise any future visits. It was killing her.
At two o'clock on the dot, Peer walked into the house. His gaze took in the situation, first flashing to his son, then Coco, and last, Kelli.
"Time's up," he said, holding on to the door.
Kelli kissed Tyr's cheek and put him on the floor with his toys. As if reluctant to leave him, she looked back at her child as she walked out of the house. On the step, she spoke to Peer. Not wanting to hear what she said, Coco scooped Tyr off the floor and took him into the bedroom to change his diaper.
She needed that time with him to assure herself that he was still with them, that she hadn't been replaced. Hating herself for the feelings overwhelming her, she found herself on the verge of breaking.
"How'd it go?" asked Peer.
She pulled up Tyr's pants and raised her gaze. "Fine. Tyr knows no stranger."