Page 5 of June 7
Surely, the men weren't here to use the pool. The people that came to swim were all different shapes and sizes, young and old. But none wore leather vests, jeans, and combat boots in ninety-degree weather when they arrived.
At least she hadn't seen any bikers walk into the public pool before, and she'd worked there since she turned sixteen, starting as a lifeguard—and she was now twenty-four years old.
"We bought the building next door." He pointed in the general direction. "There are cars parked in front of the doors. We need them moved so we can get in the building."
"The doors...?" Her eyebrows shot up, realizing he was talking about the building on the other side of the pool. "You bought the old bus barn?"
"That's what I said." He stroked his beard, pulling his gaze off her chest. "We need inside and can't do that with the cars parked out front, and we think the drivers of those cars are using the pool. They need to move."
"Wow." She pushed the stopper on the bottom of the door down with her toes. "That place has been vacant since I was a kid. You bought it?"
The building used to house the buses for the school district. Last she'd heard, the district planned to auction off the building because no one wanted to buy it. Probably for two good reasons. It was next door to the pool, and a lot of traffic came and went each day as parents dropped off their kids for their lessons. And it would be crazy expensive to heat the building unless it were used strictly as a garage. It was big enough to play basketball, maybe even football, inside.
The biker scratched the back of his neck, ignoring her question. She held up her finger, buying herself time to remember who parked beside her earlier.
"One of those vehicles is mine, and I can move it." She stepped back inside the building. "I'll run out to the pool and look through the glass enclosure to see who else is parked there and let them know they have to move their car—it'll take me a minute."
As one, the bikers turned and walked down the stairs and around the corner of the building out of sight. She let out her breath and pressed a hand to her stomach. That was an intense conversation.
It wasn't like she'd argue about moving her Jeep with a gang of bikers. Maybe she needed them around when she ordered everyone out of the pool after their lessons. Big, rough, tatted men would get the kids moving. They always dragged their feet when told to leave the pool.
The thought of the bikers barking orders at the kids made her giggle. It'd been a long day.
She walked out to the pool and went over to the glass panels. While she couldn't see the building next door, she could see the three cars blocking the men from entering their building.
Below her on the sidewalk, the bikers walked back to the old bus barn. She hurried away to seek out Chad. He was on the tower chair underneath the umbrella.
"I'm going to have Sierra come and relieve you from your spot." She gazed out into the water. "I need you to run and move your truck."
"My truck?" Chad took off his sunglasses. "Why?"
"We can't park on that side of the pool anymore. Someone bought the building, and we're blocking the big bus doors in front."
"Yeah." She shrugged, walking away. "Wait until Sierra is here before you get down."
Five minutes later, she'd informed everyone of the changes so she could leave the pool house. She slipped a pair of red shorts and a white lifeguard tank top that the guys wore while working and wiggled into her sneakers. With her keys in her hand, she hurried outside and jumped in her Jeep.
Heat scorched the back of her thighs. She arched, holding herself off the leather seat, panting through the pain. In her hurry, she forgot how hot it was today. Working at the pool during the summer, going swimming to cool off, she never realized how scorching hot the interior of the Jeep was until she had to go home.
She tested the seat with her hand. It was still too hot to sit. Needing the air conditioning to cool off the interior, she contorted her body and started the vehicle, reaching over to slide the AC to max.
Her thighs quivered, holding her off the seat. She pressed her head into the headrest and spotted a lone biker standing in front of her Jeep, watching her.
Her spine rebounded, and she plopped into the hot seat. She sucked in air and braced through the painful flash covering the back of her thighs. It felt like her skin was on fire.
The man cocked his brow and stepped to the edge of the sidewalk. He hadn't been with the others. Though he was bare-chested and not wearing a motorcycle club vest, there was no doubt in her mind that he was a part of the biker's club.
He stood in the shade of the awning coming off the building. His dark, windswept hair hung light around his shoulders. She leaned closer to the steering wheel, using the cool air flowing from the vent as a reason to lean closer and check out the man's tattoos covering each bicep.
It looked as if he had a wing, maybe an eagle. No, a dragon and an angel. Second guessing what she saw, she decided whatever he had inked on him was hot.
Chad walked beside the door of the Jeep and got into his truck. He'd backed into the spot. She waited for him to move first, then put the Jeep in Reverse and drove to the other side of the pool.
As soon as she stepped out of the Jeep to return to work, Melanie, one of the teenage lifeguards, skipped out of the building, dripping water in her wake, with keys in hand to move the last car. Now that they'd cleared the front of the building next door, she headed back to work. There were two more hours until Liz arrived, and she could go home.
After suffering from a massive hangover over the weekend, her appetite had returned with a vengeance, and she planned on putting a burger on the grill once work was over.