Page 6 of June 7
A loud whistle split the air. She stopped on the stairs and looked behind her.
The man who'd stood on the sidewalk in front of her Jeep motioned above his head. Then, a loud vibration rolled over her. She couldn't move if she wanted to.
Half a block away, a large group of motorcycle riders pulled into the street and rode toward the former bus barn.
One. Two. Three...ten. She stopped counting after twenty-five bikers rode through the open door at the front of the building.
Chad jogged up the steps and stopped beside her. "Do you see that?"
"Yeah." She gawked, finding it hard to believe someone had bought the old bus garage. It was even more surprising that it was a motorcycle club—a motorcycle club in Seaglass Cove, who would've thought.
Out of all the little coastal towns along the Oregon coastline, she figured bikers would want a faster lifestyle closer to a metro area or at least near Newport or Lincoln City. There wasn't much to do in Seaglass Cove except the tourist attractions—whale watching, gift shops, harbor seals, and watch the tide come in and spout over the boardwalk.
"Where did they come from?" he asked.
She inhaled deeply. "I don't know."
"Pretty cool."
"Yeah, pretty cool," she mumbled before snapping out of shock. "We better get back to the pool."
For the next hour, she listened for the loud rumble of the motorcycles, but everything remained normal. Kids squealed. Water splashed. Voices echoed from the locker rooms.
But she couldn't quit thinking about what the motorcycle club was doing next door. Bikers always had bad reputations attached to them. She hoped their proximity to a public city-owned pool wouldn't be problematic.
She wanted those using the pool to feel comfortable and safe while coming and going.
Chapter Four
The truck backed into the shop. A load of lumber filled the back bed.
"Hold it." Bane lifted his hand. "That's far enough.
Cord, Link, and Dio came forward and started unloading the order. Bane kicked a roll of insulation out of the way. It would take them a good week to throw up the back wall, separating Havlin MC's clubhouse from the rest of the shop.
The building was one large cement barn, formally a bus garage, capable of holding ten full-size school buses. It was the perfect location for the headquarters of Havlin Motorcycle Club and the storefront for Havlin Motorcycle Parts shop.