Page 5 of Pallas & Kawehi
“It’s not for me, uncle. A guy came in and he asked me what I eat when I’m hungry. So, I told him.”
“He doesn’t sound like a local boy.”
She shook her head. “I don’t think he’s from here, but there are three guys that came in and they’re on lane seven. I think they could end up being some trouble. If something happens, I’ll call for help.”
Her uncle lifted up his butcher knife. “I’m ready.”
Kawehi laughed a little. “I’m not going to call for you.”
He lowered the knife. “Why not? I’d show ‘em not to mess with you.”
The smile that touched his lips reminded her of when he’d helped her in the past. Just not with his butcher knife. “I know. But there’s three of them out there and they’ve just ordered a pitcher of beer.”
“Eh,” he shook his head. “You make sure to cut them off whenever you feel like.”
“Don’t worry, I will. Okay, give me a bell when the donburi is ready. I’ll come and get it.”
He nodded and gave her a sweet wink.
She went back to the counter and noticed that a couple of her usuals had left. “What happened?”
Mister Compos shrugged. “Dunno… they tried to get me to go too, but I said I’d wait and keep an eye on this guy over here.”
Kawehi was surprised when he gestured at the man who’d just ordered. “Why? He won’t be any trouble.”
Mister Compos narrowed his eyes at her. “He’s got muscles.” And when her eyes widened at his comment, he continued on. “I think his muscles have muscles, too. He’s big….” Mister Compos did his best impression of a strongman from a circus, and she had to hold back her laughter.
She looked at the newcomer and saw him smiling as well.
“Well, I don’t think you’re going to be any trouble, right?”
He shook his head. “I’m just hungry.”
“That, we can handle. My uncle’s making your order right now.”
“Uncle?” He looked at the kitchen door. “You both work here?”
“This,” she gestured to the room with a quick wave of her hand, “is a family business. Three generations of my family have run this business. I’m the current generation to run things around here.”
“That’s wonderful,” his voice had softened a little. “It’s nice to have history in a place.”
She picked up a pitcher and refilled his water. “What about you?”
“Me? What about me?”
She nodded. “Or maybe your family? Where are you from?”
He turned on the stool so he was facing her. “My dad was a Marine, so we went where he went. We’d moved three times before I was in high school.”
He wasn’t sure why, but her expressions changed when he mentioned that his dad was a marine.
“That’s a lot of moving,” she sounded shocked, “that had to be hard on you.”
“It was a lot, but my dad always said it was an adventure. When I looked at it that way, it made it easier.”
She nodded. “I think mindset is a big thing when it comes to being happy.”