Page 6 of Pallas & Kawehi
“You sound like you have experience with that.”
She waved off the thought. “I’m not going to bore you. Tell me what you’re doing here in Lanikai tonight?”
He frowned, his brow tightening above his nose. “Lanikai? I thought I was in Kailua.”
Her eyes opened wider at that. “Areas around here kind of mush together at times, especially if you’re new. It’s not like they put up a big sign. But it’s all Windward side, so six of one-”
“Half dozen of another.” He agreed.
And she nodded, smiling.
Damn, she had a gorgeous smile.
“So what brought you to this side of the island?”
“I’m staying here actually. I’m in temporary housing right now.”
“Temporary housing.”
The way she said it struck a nerve in him.
He hadn’t mentioned the military, but it sounded like she wasn’t thrilled with the idea. He could dance around the subject, but honestly, he wanted to just talk to her.
And if she had a problem with the military, he hoped that they could get around that.
“I’ll be moving on base when a spot opens up.”
Yeah. She knew about the military, but apparently she knew the Marine base specifically.
“Kaneohe Marine Corps Base? Yes.”
“Here’s your meal.”
An older gentleman set a bowl in front of him, but when Pallas looked up to thank him, the man’s eyes were dark and guarded.
“Thank you.”
The older man gave him a chin lift before he took a few steps back and then disappeared back into the kitchen.
If anyone thought that that was strange, they didn’t say anything. Pallas picked up the knife and fork that she’d left him on a napkin and looked at the bowl.
It certainly looked like the eggs and chicken had been cooked together. Translucent onions were mixed in as well and he had to admit that it smelled great.
Pallas looked up at the woman, hoping to ask her a question, but-
She turned to look at the assholes who were bowling.
Yes, they were assholes and yes, he was being judgmental.
He’d seen a lot of guys like them in his life. They dressed down but he’d bet they had their daddy’s black card in their wallet. They looked like they came from California and that they did a lot of surfing. They probably thought they owned the beaches where they came from. Their attitude had been horrible since they walked in.
They were pushy and they were rude.
Two things he didn’t like normally, but being used against a woman?