Page 80 of Jump on Three
“Wow”—she pushed my hair off my face—“you really like me, don’t you?”
From the way she peered at me as if trying to see into me, she’d meant it as a genuine question. As if she was just realizing it and sought to confirm it.
“Yes, I do, Evelyn. That is why I can’t force myself to stay away from you, even during the times it has driven me mad.”
“I truly had no idea.”
“I know you didn’t.”
Her fingers delved deeper into my hair, and I held still so she wouldn’t have any reason to stop. She quietly contemplated me. Having her attention this way, fully tuned to me, was a powerful feeling. When I wanted her senses focused on me, I would remember to get her somewhere quiet, without distraction.
“Do you miss home?” she asked after a while.
“Yes, but it hadn’t been home in many years.”
“Why not?”
“I am the youngest of seven brothers and sisters. Every year, another sibling left. When I came here, I had been alone at home for some time. It was too quiet.”
“Seven brothers and sisters.” Her eyes flared. “What must that have been like?”
I chuckled at her awe. “It was loud. Very, very loud. Each one thought themselves the boss of me. My eldest sister, Valya, was like a second mother.”
“A second mother is a good thing in this case?”
“Valya got off on bossing me around, but she also read me books and played with me when our mother was too busy with the other kids, so yeah, it was a good thing. She has her own family now. Husband, two boys.”
Evelyn’s fingers left my hair to cup my cheek. “I want to hear everything about your siblings. This sounds magical to me. I have Delilah, of course, and one brother. Michael is…well, I think he quite enjoys his sisters living on a different continent.”
“So, he is an asshole?”
“Oh yes.” Her thumb rubbed the scruff over my mouth. “I like how this feels. Please tell me if you want me to stop.”
“I will never want you to stop, Evelyn.”
I was struggling not to pull her down to my level and kiss the hell out of her. I controlled myself, though, allowing her to explore how she wanted to. Up until a couple hours ago, having Evelyn’s hands on me had been nothing more than a fantasy I only allowed myself to indulge in after dark in my bedroom.
To distract myself, I named my siblings and told her where they all were. I did not mention they were where my father had placed them, in the careers he’d decided on for them. I’d spoken about him enough for the day. He didn’t deserve to intrude on another second of it.
“Will you let me come back to Lyot with you?” she asked.
“What?” I pushed up on my elbow. “You want to go back?”
“I do. I want to see you work and talk to Marco and listen to music. If I could go in through the front door this time, that would be better for me. I’m finished with alleys for the rest of my life, I think. Though, I’m sort of proud I did it once—no, twice.”
“You shouldn’t have done it at all. Don’t remind me of you going down that alley. It doesn’t make me happy.”
She leaned down, her nose touching mine. “I want to go back with you. I won’t set one foot in that alley again.”
“Not one.”
She shook her head, gliding her nose back and forth. “Not a single one.” Then her lips touched mine. “I’m glad you are so agreeable.”
“Why do I feel like I’ve been bamboozled?”
“That is a fun word. Bamboozled. Bamboozled.” She mouthed it silently a few more times, her lips brushing mine as she did.
Very, very cute.