Page 81 of Jump on Three
This girl was going to be able to get me to do anything she wanted, and I would love the hell out of every second of it.
It meant I had her.
I had her.
That this was real still hadn’t sunk in.
“Bamboozled,” she whispered, making me laugh.
If this was a dream, I never wanted to wake up.
Chapter Twenty-seven
One week.
Seven days.
Kissing Ivan whenever we were alone. Holding hands under the table. Smiling across crowded rooms.
Every day, I fell for him a little more, but when the kissing and smiles and hand-holding were over, guilt crept in. I hadn’t lied, but not telling Delilah was a deception I could no longer bear.
Before I allowed things with Ivan to go any further, I had to face my sister. If she disapproved…well, I would have to end things. The very idea made my stomach ache, but cutting this off now would be better than after falling even deeper.
I opened the door to my suite, my lips still tingling from a prolonged make-out session in room three, determined to confess to Delilah. Fortunately for me, she was already in the living area. Unfortunately for him, Rhys was with her.
“Hey, darling,” she greeted.
“I need to speak with you in private,” I stated.
Her brows popped. “Oh. Okay. Without Rhys?”
I nodded sharply. “Yes. Just you.”
“You’re keeping secrets from me, Evelyn?” Rhys drawled. “No fair.”
“I’ll leave it up to Delilah to tell you if she likes. I have to speak to my sister first.”
“All right.” He lifted his hands. “But if it’s about Ivan, I already know.”
I jerked back. “What did you say?”
Delilah elbowed his side. “Shut it, trouble. We agreed we’re letting Ev tell me in her own time.”
“You’ve been talking about me?” My voice went high with an edge of panic. It hadn’t occurred to me I would be a topic of conversation between my sister and Rhys. It surprised me they even thought of me when I wasn’t around. I wasn’t interesting.
Delilah answered, “Not really.” At the same time, Rhys said, “We have,” earning him another elbow.
With a sigh, Delilah untangled herself from Rhys and came to where I stood frozen by the door.
“Let’s go to your room,” she urged softly. “We can talk in private.”
I ignored her coaxing. “What do you know about Ivan?”
“I don’t know anything for certain, but I have noticed the two of you growing close. I assumed you would tell me what’s going on when you were ready.”
Rhys stretched his legs out, crossing them at the ankle. “You hold hands at every meal and make out in the library. If you were trying to conceal you’re a thing, you might have considered being a little less obvious.”