Page 85 of In The Details
“It wasn’t that exciting.” She let her head fall back and sighed as her technician massaged her calves.
I exchanged glances with Shira, laughing silently at our friend. We could have both used a little more of her laissez-faire attitude. It was probably what had drawn us to her in the first place.
If only being carefree was contagious. My work life required me to be as careful and methodical as possible. Unfortunately, I’d allowed that to spill over to my real life, and I was sick of it.
My phone alerted me to a text. I smiled when I checked the screen.
Jake: Dinner tonight. I’ll bring the beer. You bring your pretty face.
Me: I like how you invite yourself over.
Jake: I like it too, so I hope there’s no sarcasm behind those words.
Me: None at all. I like you wanting to see me.
Jake: Always. Tell Nell-Belle I’ve got a special drink for her.
Me: Not beer, I hope.
Jake: Haha, nope. Found her some lavender lemonade. She told me her favorite color is purple. Has that changed in the last couple days?
My breath caught, and I had to pinch my nose so I didn’t do something stupid like cry in the middle of the nail salon.
Me: Not yet. It’s still her very favorite. She’ll love that.
Jake: All right. Can’t wait to see her smile. See you tonight, sweetness.
I closed my eyes and sank down in my chair, my heart a wild, throbbing thing.
If I could have, I would have channeled some of Bea’s fearlessness. Then, I wouldn’t have been so afraid of tumbling head over heels for Jake Hayes since that was exactly what I was doing.
Chapter Thirty-two
It was strange to see Roman Wells leaving my brother’s office.
Not that the man was out of place at the MZ offices. With his impeccably tailored suit and sharklike movements, he looked like he went where he wanted and took ownership. The thing was, there was no discernible reason for this man to be visiting Jeremy. As far as I knew, they weren’t friends or associates. Jeremy didn’t tell me every detail of his life, but I was aware of most of it.
Roman strode toward me, where I had paused on the way to my office. His grin wasn’t exactly friendly, nor was it threatening.
“Ah, the other Hayes brother. It’s about time we met.” He held his hand out to me. When I frowned at it, he introduced himself. “Sorry, I shouldn’t assume anyone knows who I am. Roman Wells.”
I shook his hand out of obligation. “Jake Hayes, but you seem to know that.”
He chuckled, but it was perfunctory more than a reaction to something humorous. “I would expect I do. After all, we’re partners, aren’t we?”
I did not let my shock show. My molars might’ve ground to dust, but I managed to keep my expression neutral.
“Nice to meet you, Roman. I need to get back to work.”
He nodded at the bag in my hand. “Working lunch?”
I’d been looking forward to the sandwich I’d grabbed from a deli down the street, but now the idea of eating made my stomach roil.
“Something like that,” I answered. “Have a good day.”
I beelined to Jeremy’s office, knocking once before letting myself in. He was at his desk, surprise crinkling his forehead when he saw me.