Page 86 of In The Details
“Hey. I thought you were out to lunch with Clara.”
“Mmm. That had been the plan, but she called when I was on my way to cancel.”
This was my week with Sage, so we only had lunches to spend together. We both guarded them like flames in the wind, but sometimes things came up. Today, it was an emergency meeting about Rossi’s Utah factory.
“Ah. That’s too bad.” He folded his hands on his desk, blinking up at me. “It seems like something’s on your mind. How about you sit down so I’m not breaking my neck looking up at you?”
Bracing my hands on the edge of his desk, I leaned forward, putting my face a few inches from his. “I saw Roman Wells, Jer. He introduced himself as my partner. Let’s not beat around the bush—you scheduled whatever meeting you just had when you thought I’d be out of the office. What the fuck is going on?”
He swallowed hard, but that was his only tell. Otherwise, he was cool and composed, gesturing for me to take a seat. I finally gave in. Me being in his face like I was didn’t do either of us any good.
Once settled, one ankle braced on the opposite knee, I nodded. “Go on. I want to hear what you have to say to me.”
He flattened his hands and sighed heavily, dropping them to his lap. “When we had to close those stores two years ago, I knew we needed to do something drastic. We can’t keep closing stores and expect to be around long term.”
“I know this,” I stated. “It’s why we’re going after Rossi—to breathe new life into MZ.”
“That’s this year. Last year…well, to be frank, things weren’t getting better. Dad suggested taking out a loan, but the last thing we needed was to bleed out paying back loans. Then I met Roman at a charity golf tournament. His reputation precedes him—”
“For sinking money into failing companies and sucking them dry when he’s done. Yeah, I’ve heard of him.”
He exhaled slowly and rubbed the center of his forehead. “That’s categorically untrue. Roman revives failing businesses.”
I blinked at him. “You think we’re failing?”
He leveled me with his gaze. “No. But it was where we were headed. So, I talked to Roman, and he’d been willing to buy ten percent of my shares. It’d been exactly what we’d needed. And with his money, he brought ideas. The new branding was from his team. The Rossi deal? All Roman. And—”
“You didn’t think this was something I should have known? You brought me on to support you. How can I support you when you’re keeping secrets?”
“I knew you wouldn’t be happy about my decision. Honestly, I was afraid you’d offer up your own shares so you’d have a reason to leave.”
I chuffed. “Since when do we avoid tough talks? I’m sitting here in a suit because you asked me to be. There’s nothing you can’t say to me. If we’re in trouble, we figure it out together. You don’t plan underhanded meetings with the vampire of Denver and make me look like an idiot when it’s plain to see I have no idea what’s going on with my own company.”
Heat rose up his neck to his cheeks. “Sometimes I have to make tough decisions, Jake. Granddad handed MZ to me. If it fails, I fail. I won’t let that happen.”
“You think I want it to fail?”
“I don’t think it would devastate you. This all disappears, you go back to being a car guy, living the life you always wanted. Maybe with a little less money, but you have your very own heiress now.”
“Fuck off with that, Jer.” I stood over him again, jabbing at his desk. “That’s the last time you bring up Clara.”
He leaned back to look up at me. “You’re right. That was low. I shouldn’t have said that. I’m stressed, and you’ve got me cornered. Lashing out was wrong, though.”
“A whole lot is wrong in this scenario.” I’d walked in here pissed off, hoping he’d have a logical explanation for me. Now, I was more fired up. Angry. And more than that, disappointed in my brother. “I am here because you asked me to be. I would do a fucking backbend for you. If you’re not willing to see that and do the same for me, you’re spitting in my face. Don’t tell me losing MZ would be no skin off my back, as if I don’t care about you, about our family’s legacy.”
“I believe you care about MZ, and I would never question that you care about me, but…you didn’t grow up being told all this rested on your shoulders. It’s a heavy load to carry. If I don’t turn this ship around, it’s not just me going under. Thousands of livelihoods will be lost. You may not agree with me bringing Roman in—”
“You didn’t give me a chance to agree or disagree.”
His lids lowered as he took a deep breath. “Maybe that was a mistake, but like I said, this rests on my shoulders, which means there will be times I make a unilateral decision.”
“That’s fine.” It didn’t feel fine, but he was right. In the end, our grandfather had left control of the company to the legitimate heir. I stood at his side, but the yoke was his alone.
“I’m glad you agree,” he intoned.
I moved my jaw side to side, no less pissed than when I’d walked in here. “You’re the boss, Jer. I get that. But if you keep secrets concerning MZ from me again, I’m out of here.”
His nostrils flared—the only sign he was getting mad too. “You say you care about MZ and me then threaten to leave in the same breath.”