Page 18 of Tortured Tones
“What world?”
“TV and film production.”
“And you’re divorced?” I sat upright. My head spun like a turntable set on 45 RPM.
“Yes. I have been for three years.”
“Fuck, you must have been married young.”
“We all make mistakes.”
I slumped back against the seat. “Don’t I know that.”
Ava walked over to the fridge. My gaze fell to her ass. I could barely see straight, think straight, or sit straight, but damn, she rocked a business suit. She grabbed a bottle of water, returned to my side, and handed it to me. “Drink this. I’ll be back here at midday to pick you up.”
“What for?” I took the bottle.
“You’re meeting your daughter at one.”
“Fuck.” My heart lurched. I clutched the bottle against my chest, hoping it would stop my ribs from constricting. It didn’t.
I closed my eyes. For a few hours I’d forgotten about tomorrow.
Now the day blazed before me.
“Good night, Mr. Tanner.” Ava headed for the door and disappeared outside.
The door clicked shut.
My huge empty house loomed around me. The massive atrium sat deathly still and silent. I closed my eyes. In my world of music, and loud concerts, and problems, I didn’t like the absence of sound. With Tia spending more time with Lewis at Slip’s place, I had my home to myself...for just a few more hours.
I should’ve savored this moment. The quiet. But I didn’t.
The back of my eyes stung. I sucked in a shaky deep breath.
Tomorrow I’d meet my daughter.
I’d be a dad.
Was I prepared?
Nope. Not at fucking all.
Chapter 5
Late the following morning, my dull headache reminded me of the copious amounts of vodka I’d drunk the night before. Showering didn’t make me feel any better. Nor did the Advil I’d swallowed. On the drive to meet my daughter, I fidgeted with the satin bow on the fluffy cream teddy bear I’d bought and twisted it around my fingers. My heartbeat slammed against my ribs. Life was about to change...forever.
Tia placed her hand on my knee and gave it a rub. “Aren’t you a little bit excited to meet Charlotte?”
“Do I look excited?” My palms sweated as I tightened the bow tails around my thumb, cutting off blood circulation.
“Cole, I know this is scary.” She softened her tone. “But you’re doing the right thing. Not just because you have to, but because you have a huge heart. You’re one of the most caring people I know. You’ve been there for everyone who’s struggled through some tough times over the last few years, including me. Now you need to be there for your daughter. Charlotte needs you to take care ofher.”
The ache in my head turned into a thudding drum. “I don’t know how to do that.”
“You will. Just be you.” She rested her head against the seat. “Life can change in the blink of an eye. We know that. After we lost Phil and I had my accident, it took me a long time to find my way forward. But I did. I came home, found a new career, and fell for Lewis. Charlotte is your new path. Her future depends on you. This isn’t going to be easy. But please give her a chance.”