Page 19 of Tortured Tones
“I’m here, aren’t I?”
I didn’t miss the subtle shake of Ava’s head. She sat in the front passenger seat like a steel statue, but she’d heard every word. What was her fucking problem?
“Yes, you are.” Tia clutched my hand. “Charlotte’s your flesh and blood. She might be the best thing that has ever happened to you. But promise me one thing—maybe two.” She lowered her chin and closed her eyes. An anguish I knew all too well settled in her soft tone. “Don’t be like our parents who were never around when we were growing up. Don’t risk losing her because you didn’t make an effort.”
Both things scared me. I never wanted to be like my parents. They’d put their careers before us. They’d given us everything money could buy but rarely their time. We’d been forced into extracurricular activities at school, handed off to nannies, or left in the care of neighbors while they jetted their way around the world climbing corporate ladders. With my band about to tour, was I destined to be the same? Yep. That crushed my soul. Charlotte deserved better than that.
But what hit me harder, though, was I never wanted to risk losing someone I loved again. What if I liked the kid, connected with her, then the court ripped her away? I honestly don’t think I’d survive that. I’d lost too many people I cared about already. I had to keep my guard up. Remain emotionally detached. Was that even possible? God, I hoped so.
The car pulled into the parking lot outside the children’s services building. The two-story white complex looked more like a medical center than a corporate office.
Ava jumped out of the front seat and opened the SUV’s door for me. As I stepped out of the car, concern flashed in her eyes, but she straightened, and it quickly disappeared. “Good luck, Mr. Tanner.”
No amount of Xanax would lower my blood pressure, but I nodded. “Um. Thanks.”
Tia shuffled along on her crutches as Ava led us over to the glass front doors. I didn’t think security was necessary on this occasion, but Blake had insisted.
We headed up to the second floor and were shown into a private meeting room. Standing by the large window, I closed my eyes and sucked in a deep, shaky breath. A fierce dizziness swam through my head. My heart raced too fast. Nausea bubbled in my gut. I glanced at my watch.
Time was up.
The door opened and my heart stopped.
Hannah stepped inside. “Hi Cole.”
I quickly scanned behind her, but there was no sign of the kid, only Paul.
Hannah gave me a heartwarming hug. The worry in her eyes did nothing to alleviate my nerves. “How are you doing?”
“I’ve been better.” I clutched the teddy bear around its neck to stop my hands from shaking.
Paul zoomed into the room on his wheelchair and shook my hand. “You made it.”
“Yep. I’m on time, too.” I was usually the last one to turn up to places I had to be at with my band. Time management wasn’t my forte. But Ava had dragged my ass here, almost literally. I tilted my head toward my sister. “Do you remember Tia?”
“Yes. I sure do.” Paul’s eyebrows shot skyward as he shook her hand. “You were always running around with the guys. I’ve seen you on that TV show, Through the Smoke. I’ve watched nearly every episode.”
“That’s very cool, Mr. Lane.” Tia straightened on her crutches. “I’m glad you like the show. The seasons I’m in are still running, but I’ve left acting behind me. I broke half my leg on set. This is a second attempt at fixing my ankle.” She wriggled her foot, showing off her black moonboot.
“I’m sorry you got hurt, dear.” Hannah gave her a kiss hello on the cheek. “But it’s lovely to see you. What are you doing now?”
“I’m working for the band on their sound and lighting team.”
“Oh.” Hannah splayed her hands across her chest. “I love that. Family sticking together.”
Tia flicked the back of her hand against my arm. “Well, Cole and I do. Mom and Dad are still floating around the world somewhere.”
“Lucky them.” Paul’s lips quirked into a lopsided grin as he pointed to his wheelchair. “I won’t be going anywhere in this thing.”
“You’re fine, honey.” Hannah kissed Paul on the head. “We’ll do that road trip to the Grand Canyon soon. I promise.”
I tried to summon a warm smile but failed. They still seemed so in love. That was cool. But it was a path I never wanted to venture down again. It was rare to find a love that lasted. Most of the time it just fucked you up. I wanted to avoid it like another pandemic.
I half turned and thumbed toward Ava, standing by the far wall. “This is my new addition. Ava is my bodyguard. She, or one of her team, will be with me nearly twenty-four/seven. I won’t be able to jerk off without someone watching me.”
She glared at me. The corner of her lips twitched. “Trust me. I will not be watching you do that.”