Page 15 of Royal Flush
Plus, it was something the girl wouldn’t likely forget any time soon.
I grabbed the handle of one, the size perfect for her lovely, rounded bottom. I’d taken enough time that after smacking it against my palm and turning around, I was shocked to see she’d obeyed me completely. My breath was completely sucked out of my system and I was surprised that I couldn’t move at all for a full five seconds.
For all her defiance, all her arrogance that I’d already seen through, she was a girl missing something in her life. That alone made me even more curious as to who she was and why she would dare risk going to jail. For the attention? Because she was a spoiled brat? A significant part of me wanted to solve the puzzle.
Another chided me as to what the hell I thought I was doing. I wasn’t into a relationship of any kind, including spending more than a couple of days with a woman. I wasn’t ready or simply didn’t have that gene built into my DNA.
But right now, my cock was throbbing, my balls as tight as overstretched drums. Finally, I moved toward her, smacking the paddle against my hand with every step.
Jasmine threw her head in my direction, narrowing her eyes and there was no doubt what she was thinking. That she’d get me back for this. I really did want to see her try. By the time I made it behind her, she was cursing under her breath all over again, tossing out Australian phrases. She was also wiggling and whether she knew it or not, all she was doing was enticing the beast inside of me.
Her feminine wiles and the delicious scent of her perfume were pushing limits I hadn’t known I had.
“Here are the rules,” I told her and she scoffed, even pushing up from the desk. I pressed my hand on the small of her back, returning her to the required position. “You’re going to be polite and respectful, which means not cursing any longer. You’re going to remain in position until I am finished. And you will thank me for disciplining you when I am finished instead of sending you to jail.”
She laughed, looking over her shoulder and glaring at me. “You are fucking out of your goddamn mind if you ever think I’m going to thank you for this shit.”
I cocked my head, giving her another stern look. In turn and as expected, she rolled her eyes. One tough cookie. “If you’d prefer, I’ll end this right now. My security guards are right outside and they’ll be happy to parade you in front of the other guests in shackles and devoid of clothing so everyone knows I will not tolerate deceit or any other criminal activity on my island.”
As she narrowed her eyes, I could tell she was attempting to figure out if I was lying to her or not.
I wasn’t.
The quickest way to change someone’s erratic, repulsive behavior was to issue the most embarrassing punishment possible. In her case, she certainly didn’t want anyone knowing who she was.
Or maybe who her parents were.
Jasmine sucked in her breath. “Fine. Just get this over with before I lose my patience.”
“While I realize you’ve been spoiled your entire life, the holier than thou behavior won’t bode well with me. Unacceptable.” I rolled my fingers down her spine, also shocked at the electric connection that refused to go away.
“And you’re not spoiled, rich boy? I bet you own several huge mansions, dozens of cars, and the biggest yacht in the fleet. I wonder how many employees you need to get you ready on any given day.”
All I could do was shake my head as I adjusted her legs further apart. “Yes, I’m a very rich man, little koala. However, I also follow the rules. It’s a penchant of mine, important in life.”
She opened her luscious lips, likely to throw me a few barbs then snarled. Maybe she knew she’d met her match.
I was finished with being patient to any degree, bringing the paddle down across both her ass cheeks. I was honestly shocked she didn’t jerk up and run away given her reaction.
Yes, I was a sadistic man who adored when a woman expressed how pain coursing through her body made her feel. I waited as she gasped for air, still cursing. Still calling me hateful names.
And I’ll be damned if my hunger for her wasn’t increasing exponentially.
I brought the paddle down twice more and her scream was high pitched, cut off barely two seconds later.
“You fucking drongo. I hate you.”
“Drongo. Sounds fascinating,” I told her and couldn’t help myself, pressing my fingertips against her already heated skin. I’d missed punishments. It was interesting that just like riding a bike, once you regained your verve for a hobby or activity, you wanted more.
And I gave her more, one coming right after the other.
“That means you’re a loser,” she hissed, gritting her teeth as she slapped her hands on my desk.
“Wow. I haven’t been called that before.” I was still grinning as I brought the paddle down three additional times directly across her sit spot. There were men, and women for that matter, in my position who found a plain leather belt to be their implement of choice. In my mind, while there was a place for a more intimate position, dragging the little princess over my lap and using nothing more than my hand, a belt was passe. Pedestrian.
My, wasn’t I as arrogant as she accused me of being.
I twirled the wood, still delighted in her grumbling. She definitely wasn’t the kind of woman who’d been required to obey laws of decency or follow rules of any kind. I wondered more and more about her upbringing.