Page 16 of Royal Flush
When I cracked the thick wood across her bottom twice more, she almost involuntarily tumbled off the edge. I was forced to grab her arm, keeping her from doing so.
“Whoa, little koala.”
Panting, she clawed the surface of my wood with her long, manicured nails. “You are… a terrible… man.”
“Why, yes, I am. It’s best you never forget that either.” My fingertips were tingling as I brushed them across one side of her bottom and the other. Jesus Christ. Her pussy lips were swollen, rosy and glistening with trickles of juice. I almost drove all four fingers inside, managing to resist only a split second before doing so.
Shit. I could easily do filthy things to her. I would, but I was still interested in getting to know the woman first.
Damn it.
Exhaling, I returned my mind to the action at hand instead of pining away for her luscious body.
The wooden piece had done a very effective job of adding a warm blush to her skin color. Perhaps she would have difficulty sitting for a day or so.
As she deserved.
“I assure you I never forget anything. Ever,” she huffed again, her breathing even more ragged than before.
For about a million reasons, I wasn’t interested in elongating the session. Normally, I would take my time, allowing the agony and endorphins to build over a lengthy period of time. However, I was more interested in getting her behind closed doors. Not only for my obvious longing to ravage her body but also to see what I could learn about who she was.
It shouldn’t be important to me in the least, but my instinct told me otherwise.
This woman had entered my life for a reason. It was up to me to figure out what that was.
I swiftly brought the paddle down four times, trying not to get caught up in the glorious thudding sound.
“You fucking bastard. I will find a way to destroy you.”
Her threat wasn’t necessarily idle, but I doubted she had any idea how powerful I was. My entire family had our share of enemies, companies and individuals envious of our lifestyle and our success. That came with owning two billion-dollar companies.
In other words, she’d need to get in line if she wanted to pick apart me or my world.
It was time to bring this part of our time together to a close.
“Four more.”
“Why not a thousand?” she barked.
“Hmmm…” I rubbed my jaw on purpose as I twirled the piece close enough she could see what I was doing. “I could add that many. Of course, you won’t be able to stand or walk but that would be fine. I’ll just shackle you to my bed for an extended period. If that’s what you’d like, then I’m game.”
She rose up onto her palms once again, slowly tipping her head over her shoulder. “You obviously don’t know who I am and what my family would do to you.”
I sensed her spite had been driven from her mouth. I planted my hands on either side of her, crowding her space. “Why don’t you go ahead and tell me all about it.”
We stared at each other, and it was becoming harder to keep myself at arm’s length.
“Why don’t you go fuck yourself.”
Laughing softly, I took my time pulling away but wasted none in issuing the four remaining strikes. I made them even more brutal, once again delighting in her moans and gasps.
“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.”
“I can see I might need to wash your mouth out with soap.” I was egging the situation on but why not? She was the most disobedient woman I’d ever met.
“Who the hell were your parents? Mass murderers?”
“Very important people. Very. You might say more so than anyone else in this entire world.” I knew my ridiculous bragging would get her goat. She jerked up, spinning around at the same time and the force she used shoved her body to an imbalanced state. She was pitched forward.