Page 78 of Royal Flush
He whistled through his teeth. “Wow. I noticed the Feds hanging around outside the corporate offices.”
“What?” I hissed, trying to keep my eyes on the road.
“Yeah. They didn’t come in and when one of our security men tried to approach, they left. I have a feeling they simply wanted their presence known.”
“Then the clock is ticking down.”
“That’s what I’m guessing,” he said. “I’ve asked Gage to be in charge of working with our computer experts and our accountants to ensure there isn’t some smoking gun we’re not aware of.”
“Good. Whoever this son of a bitch is, my gut tells me he has equipment capable of detecting people anywhere and crashing systems.” I continuously glanced into the rearview mirror, unable to get the feeling we were being watched out of my system.
Even Jasmine noticed what I was doing and looked over her shoulder, another look of terror on her face. No, I wouldn’t buy that she was responsible. She was a victim as well.
“If that’s the case, I’ll beef up security and have our folks check for bugs. You should do the same at the resort.”
I wanted to laugh. “A tall order given the size.”
“Yeah, but doing so might buy you advance notice. Where are you?”
“I’m enroute to the airport.”
“I hate to tell you this but you need to know photographs have surfaced.”
“What photographs?”
“Pictures of you with Jasmine. They’re all over the internet.”
I slammed my hand against the steering wheel, instantly regretting it given her slight moan. “Ah, fuck. That meant we were being watched at the hotel.”
“Likely,” he said. “You sure you want to go through with this?”
“I don’t have a choice. They almost killed her this time.”
He exhaled. “I don’t like this. Somone is playing a very dark game and you and I both know this is just the beginning.”
“You’re right. But I’m finished with playing the victim. Under any circumstances. Incidentally, I’ve hired some additional security to come to the island with us.”
“Your buddy, Jack?”
“Yeah. He and his men are at least trustworthy.”
“Just watch your back,” he said. “I have a bad feeling things are about to go from bad to worse. It’s clear the FBI is also sniffing around.”
“Don’t worry. I plan on it. You secure the company.” He didn’t need to tell me that. I felt the crush of danger as well as the rush of adrenaline. I had two things going for me. The island was highly secure, my brothers and I the only ones who could lock down or allow planes or boats to come in. I also had weapons located in strategic places, all three of us capable of shooting various weapons. It was just something else our father had insisted on and a task I was now grateful for.
I only wished I had one with me right now. Fortunately, the company jet was also stocked. That would provide some level of comfort. I felt her heated stare and smile. “Relax.”
“Relax? You are insane. Who are you?” she asked as I noticed the sign for the small airport.
I lifted my eyebrows as I tipped my head. “You know who I am.”
“I’m not so certain. The way you talk on the phone is as if you’re a hired assassin yourself. You know things about security systems, have a keen understanding of bad guys, and rushed into a highly dangerous situation without second guessing yourself. That makes me wonder who you are.”
Reaching over, I placed my hand on hers. At first, she was tense but within seconds I felt her relax. “Yes, my father taught me well about guns and security, highlighting how men and women could try and slither into my world. He forced my brothers and me to be militarily trained by a buddy of his, learning skills I had no clue we’d need.”
The answer was frank and honest and I sensed she was processing.
“I believe you. You aren’t trying to hurt me. But I feel like I don’t know who I am any longer.”