Page 79 of Royal Flush
“Why do you say that?”
The way she took a little time to think about her answer meant she’d been contemplating her choices made. “I wanted to be just like my father. I was determined to follow in his footsteps about changing the world. At least when I was a kid, still in my worship phase. Then I realized somewhere along the way, he had become too mesmerized by his early wild success and sold his soul. To whom is the question. I’d always guessed the devil but right now, I’m not convinced.”
“What are you getting at?”
“That I think my father was groomed by an organization early in his career. I overheard too many odd conversations, read too many emails that he hadn’t wanted anyone to see. Maybe I should use the term puppet. You have to remember we were poor for a long time. Suddenly, money flowed into the house.”
“That is very interesting.” At least with Jack coming with us, I could have him run some background checks. The man had more connections than God on the internet and in security. Something caught my eyes again and I realized I was gripping the steering wheel with white knuckles.
From what I could tell, we hadn’t been followed but I still wasn’t interested in taking any chances. Jack and his crew were waiting outside the jet, their weapons visible.
Jasmine stiffened beside me before removing her seatbelt, staring from mirror to mirror with wide eyes. “Oh, God. It’s happening again.”
“No, it’s not. Relax. It’s all a precaution.”
“You mean a premonition,” she countered.
I had to laugh. “In this world, you can never be too cautious. When we’re in the air, no one will be able to track us.”
“Even I know you need a flight plan.”
She did make me smile more than anyone I knew. “Yes, but there are ways of acting as if the flight is being redirected.” Which was true, something else Jack had taught me over the years.
“Are you going to lock me inside a gilded cage?”
“Whoever is after you is determined to succeed. I’m not going to allow that to happen. However, that doesn’t mean we’re going to hole up in a prison, which I think you expect. We will be safe, somewhere I can control the small world.”
“The island.” At least as she made the comment while opening the door, a slight glimmer of happiness crossed her face.
“My family’s second island. Just as luxurious. Just as beautiful. But a distance away from where you were.” We both climbed out and I immediately headed to the trunk to retrieve her belongings. As soon as I did, she glared at me, taking in the reality of why I had her personal belongings in my possession.
“You went to see my father.”
“I did.”
“Why would you not tell me?”
I grabbed both bags, trying to guide her toward the plane. “In case you haven’t learned yet, I don’t like anyone pulling the wool over my eyes.”
“You think that’s what my father was doing?
“I think your father has no clue how deep into the quicksand he’s dropped or how detrimental selling his soul would be to his entire family. He’s in way over his head and has no clue how to get himself out. And I do think it started a long time ago as you suggested. But he’s not a stupid man.” As Jack approached, I allowed him to take the suitcases from me. In turn, I grabbed her arm, still concerned we’d been compromised. I trusted the pilot completely, but the man still needed to file a flight plan.
Yes, I could control who came and went on the island just as my two brothers could, but that didn’t mean a group of assailants wouldn’t charter a boat, disguising themselves as tourists, and land on the island on the remote side. Even though I had a sophisticated automatic identification system using VHF radio waves to track all incoming boats, there were people out there able to cloak their arrival.
It happened in the military all the time.
However, we were still most vulnerable right here. The longer we hung around, the more likely it was another attempt would be made. Getting to the island would buy time if nothing else. I had to wonder whether her most recent comments were truly the reason for the attacks. Was there a hell of a lot more about Justin underneath the posh façade? I believed there was. Maybe he was even facing regrets, pulling back from the Honoured Society or some other organization, which would definitely place a target on his entire family.
The price people paid for obtaining power.
I’d learned early on it wasn’t just greed that controlled certain men and women. It was also nothing more than the promise of power. Who wasn’t hiding something, especially those who were extremely successful?
“My father is a player, Braxton. He no longer cares about anyone but himself. He’s made it clear time and time again. I already told you what I found over the years. I couldn’t make sense of it then but it’s easy to tell he was and still is willing to sacrifice his family for his cause. Or money.”
At some point, I’d tell her how her father had reacted to my impromptu visit, his emotions not easy for a man to fake. But at this point, there was little I could say she’d listen to. She was a woman of determination, with a lack of trust.
Now I better understood why.