Page 56 of Deck of Scarlets
“Why not use our phones?” I questioned, examining the device further.
“We want easy two-way communication with no apps involved. It’s a direct line to the Order; if other outside members come in to assist, they’re already connected. If a demon is spotted, we can send out a warning and our location,” Josh explained.
“And we can’t do the same stuff with our phones?”
He sighed and shook his head. “It’s hard to control drunk members, especially if they attend frat parties. You may think you’re sending out a signal, but you just texted your best friend the details of a Magidoz demon.”
“A what?”
Josh began to laugh and said, “How about we save the history lesson for Professor Toke?”
The idea of demons existing on the same planet as humans baffled me. How could we live in a world where true evil was able to walk among us? Part of me clung to the thought that our world was just toxic from ordinary people, but the other…
“I still don’t believe you,” I argued. Because after what I “saw,” a part of me could not grasp the reality of the situation. The other part, though, I knew. My hackles rose at the mention of demons, tickling my spine even as I fought Josh on his claim.
“You will in time.” The determination in his words left me silent.
We stared at one another for a couple of minutes, unsure where the conversation might take a turn.
I crossed my arms, refusing to break eye contact first.
Josh smirked, clearly amused by our little game. “I can do this all day.”
I snorted back a laugh. “So can I.”
The air around us shifted as I gazed into his eyes, and his hard exterior softened. Josh reached forward unexpectedly to tuck a loose strand of hair behind my ear. “Why are you so defiant?”
I swallowed hard. The sensation of his fingertips against my ear left me exposed to a new feeling. A feeling that curled my toes and left the pit of my stomach fluttering like I’d swallowed a jar of butterflies.
But in this case, it would be a jar of wasps, and it left a sour taste in my mouth as Nickie’s face appeared in my mind.
Josh must have had the same thought, as we both abruptly stepped away from each other.
“Right. Well,” he cleared his throat, trying to regain control of the situation, “I expect you to start attending your classes tomorrow. I also added the time of your lessons with Father Benedict and myself.” Josh started to back up toward the door but halted with his hand on the threshold. “Um… Sunday will be your cape ceremony.”
My eyes bulged out of their sockets. “What?”
“Don’t worry about it right now. I’ll go over everything on Tuesday night when we begin our training—”
“You can’t just spring that on me before you leave.” I tried to get him to stay to explain further, but he stepped out into the hallway, the hallway light shining down on him like an angel.
“Oh, but I just did.” He gave me a farewell salute and left.
Too stunned to speak, I slammed the door and tossed the folded schedule on my desk, diving back under the covers to hide from the world. Maybe if I hid long enough, the others would forget me.
Chapter Twenty-Three
Ihad every intention of going to my classes, truly, but the idea of facing any of the professors who were a part of the Order made the urge to disappear after Josh left irresistible. If anything, hiding in my room sounded much better, until I heard Chloe bust through the door. She stood with a scowl and tapped her foot impatiently, waiting for me to do something.
“I thought I locked that,” I said.
Chloe sighed heavily and stomped over to me like a child who was told to get off the playground. “The fact that I have to babysit you is pathetic.”
“You can easily leave how you came in,” I muttered.
“I’m under strict orders to haul your ass to class,” she stated.
“Go ahead and try,” I challenged as I scrolled through one of my phone’s many social media apps. If I continued to come off unbothered, maybe she’d give up and go away.