Page 57 of Deck of Scarlets
“Honey, you graduated from high school. It’s time to stop acting like a spoiled brat,” snapped Chloe.
I snorted a laugh and gave her my sweetest smile. “As I said, you can easily leave how you came in.”
She caught my ankles and started to drag me off the bed until my ass hit the floor. “What the hell is wrong with you!?”
“First, don’t say the h-word, and second, I warned you to get up,” Chloe reminded me coolly.
“Yeah, I’m fully aware of that now.”
“Now, get dressed. We have ten minutes before Professor Thatcher murders us.”
I rummaged through my closet, then stopped and said over my shoulder, “Are you a freshman too?”
Okay, so I wasn’t getting anything more from her than that. Clearly, Chloe had no interest in being quizzed about her personal life. Fair enough.
Changing quickly, I gathered my materials—a couple notebooks and some pens—and shoved them hastily in a backpack, following Chloe out the door. Because what the hell do you bring to your first demon class? A cross and some rosary beads?
My stomach growled in protest as we exited the building. Chloe retrieved a granola bar from her bag and tossed it at me. “Wake up when you’re supposed to.”
I ripped open the silver packaging and chewed in disdain. Letting her lead the way, navigating through the sea of other students, she kept her pace even, avoiding interaction with anyone who crossed her path. “I like my sleep.”
She rolled her eyes and continued through the halls until we were out the door. Chloe had an intimidating demeanor, which I took notice of as we walked through the crowds of students to the academic buildings, while others made it a mission to dodge her.
I wondered how she got her reputation.
We arrived right on time to find Professor Nora Thatcher at the front of the room, setting up the day’s work. Her pin-straight, silver hair was sleek and shiny. A matching plum suit perfectly fit her figure, while her heels clacked on the wooden floors as she stepped away from the podium.
But I wasn’t expecting the others to be there.
Josh, the one named Baron, and Kal sat huddled on one side, while the others were scattered throughout the room. So, all would be taking this class together. Fantastic.
Kal spotted us over by the corner, but I rushed down in front, taking the first seat I could. Chloe finally caught up and sat to my right.
Josh leaned over and smiled. “Nice of you to finally join us.”
Before I could say anything, Chloe flipped him off and said, “Next time, get your own Scarlet out of bed.”
He rolled his eyes. “Sorry, I was busy.”
She seethed next to me. “Busy being a lazy fuck.”
He nudged Baron. “Tell your sister to take a chill pill.”
Baron shook his head. “Does it look like I want an early grave? Hell no.”
I leaned close to Chloe and asked, “Are you guys—”
“Fraternal twins? Unfortunately,” she hissed back.
A look of utter annoyance crossed Chloe’s face as Professor Thatcher called the class to attention. “Now that our annual Blessing has commenced, it is time we discuss the updated map of the city.” She pulled out a small remote from her breast pocket and aimed it behind her. The lights dimmed as someone locked the door, closing the little blind to block out any light. A projector screen descended from the top of the blackboard, turning on to an image of Manhattan.
Red dots covered most of where she pointed with a ruler. “From where our Bose Detectors have been placed, it seems that more demonic activity has appeared in the past three days. Especially here.” She tapped one section of the map, the Upper East Side, just a few blocks from where my parents resided.
Worry settled in my bones. What if my parents…
“Do you think a nest is nearby?” asked Baron.