Page 93 of Deck of Scarlets
Holy shit, it was blind!
Josh! He’s blind!
Remi, get as close as you can.
Its sludge left a trail leading up to where it stood, swiping vigorously, screeching. If it was blind, then the odds were, it was using its sense of smell to track our movements. Sight robbed, but the demon wasn’t stupid. How to get across was another issue.
But what if…
Tossing my cape to the side, I sheathed my dagger. If this didn’t work, then I might as well expect an early visit to the afterlife. I got down on all fours, making sure from the neck up didn’t touch the residue, and rolled through the stench, masking my scent with its own.
When I finished, zigzagging through flying arrows and dangerous swipes, I found leverage on a busted pipe and jumped, to then push myself off the wall, gliding through the air. In just seconds, removing the dagger, I aimed, hands overhead, ready to strike.
Before, there was no way my body could perform such acrobatic moves. Now, it felt like second nature, a rush of strength and power guiding my every move. Any sense of doubt went away, giving me the courage to take on such a grotesque task.
I landed directly on its back, stabbing right between its shoulder blades and dragged the dagger down, going with it and creating a deep gash, more sludge spraying, hitting me in the face.
Its cry shook the tunnel, and its contorted body swayed. Making it to the bottom, I ripped the blade free, backing up against a wall, my hands slick with demon sludge. It began to stumble, and the men shouted to get back, halting their assault. Dozens of arrows covered the ground, some broken, others stuck to old crates and barrels. Chloe had Emilia leaning on her body, supporting her weight, eyes half closed and blood oozing from her scalp. Her shoulders bore deep gashes, part of her leather pants torn at the knees.
Time slowed to an agonizing speed as Josh shoved Baron and Cillian, getting them out of the way. He barely missed the Magidoz, crying for the last time, falling forward and hitting the ground with force, steam escaping from the wound on its exposed back. From the impact of the fall, some sludge hit the men, and Baron cursed loudly.
Ready to go to them, I stopped short, noticing what the Magidoz’s strong build blocked from view. The other Scarlet and Saint, ripped to shreds, their heads barely hanging onto their spines.
Covering my mouth, I dropped to my knees, a cry forming in my throat. We were too late. I was too late.
Josh knelt beside me, cradling my head against his chest. “It’s okay. You’re okay. You saved them.”
But I didn’t save them all.
Cillian walked over to their lifeless bodies, lowering his crossbow. “And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain for the former things are passed away.”
Josh bowed his head along with Baron and Chloe. But I couldn’t look away from what was lost, never to come back, gone to wherever their resting place may be.
Tears welled in my eyes. “How is this okay?” My voice was barely above a whisper.
Josh stroked my hair. “What we sacrifice is what we gain in the afterlife.”
Looking up from my tear-soaked lashes, Josh stopped stroking my hair. “It still doesn’t make it okay. How can we continue, knowing every day could be someone’s last?”
“If you let the fear of death control your actions, then you might as well dig yourself an early grave.” Cillian took Emilia from Chloe, carrying her like a rag doll. “Thank you for showing up in time.”
“How did this even happen?” asked Chloe.
Cillian replied, “We were ambushed. The first fleet failed to do a thorough search.”
“Are you sure?” Josh seemed unconvinced.
“Bold of you to question your superiors, West.”
That was the first time I’d heard his last name. Come to think of it, I knew nothing of any of them. Trusting a bunch of strangers, running around in dirty tunnels was not on my bucket list.
“Just trying to cover all the bases here. Ironic that we were chosen for this mission.” He stood then, taking me with him.
I wiped my cheeks with the back of my hand, finding sludge residue lingering.
“Whatever you think, you’re wrong.”
“Sorry, just find it hard to believe that one of the top Saints and Scarlets were almost taken down by a somewhat large Magidoz.” Of course, he wasn’t going to let this go.