Page 94 of Deck of Scarlets
No, you should be questioning this as well, he added.
We don’t know what happened before our arrival, I challenged. All I wanted was to get the hell out of there, strip the sticky clothes off, and take a long, hot shower… or two. Instead, he chose to pick a fight against the deadliest Saint in the northeast.
I have every right to question his actions. As someone of his caliber, why did we find two other members dead and his own Scarlet flying headfirst into a pile of junk?
Right now, our best bet is to get out of here and regroup later. Because if another one of those freakish, large beasts come again, I don’t think I have it in me to go another round. I was quite astonished to have even fought, let alone still be standing after what I’d done.
“Glad to keep you in suspense.” Cillian stepped over a small puddle of goo, exiting the way we originally came in.
“Prick,” muttered Josh, securing his bow once again on his back. Half his arrows were depleted, and some of the ends looked broken.
“Great idea, masking your scent, Remi,” praised Baron, leading the way out.
I smiled, kind of proud of my quick thinking. “Thanks.”
Josh handed me my cape, our eyes meeting once again. He searched my face, checking every inch, probably to see if I got hurt. When he couldn’t find a scratch on me, something shifted. His eyes became softer and his body language changed, enticing a feeling only I would get from a serious situation, like a moron.
I’m so proud of you, Remi.
Chapter Thirty-Nine
After our debriefing with the Aces, Thatcher continued to cuss about how terrible Captain Harrison was. We left the part of my glowing dagger out, saving it for when we had alone time with Father Benedict.
I managed to drag my ass through campus, thankful the stone concealed my disgusting presence.
Unfolding the semi-damaged paper Chloe gave me, I tried to pronounce the two words she wrote that controlled the stone’s abilities, Nochd and Falach.
A quick search on the internet helped me out, finding that it derived from Scotland. More specifically, Scottish Gaelic.
It would make sense. Juniper was from the area, but nobody here spoke it that I was aware of, so I found it odd they used certain words in the language. I wondered if past generations became less accustomed to the old ways, only keeping what was necessary. Either way, it worked, and after an hour in the showers, scrubbing my body until it turned red and watching the black water finally turn clear, a girl smiled before heading into her stall as I stepped out.
My feet ached a little. A pedicure would sure have eased some of the tension in my heels.
Collapsing on my bed with the towel wrapped around my body, I stared at Heather’s empty side, promising to visit her as soon as I got some rest. I brushed through the wet tangles and got into a freshly washed silk pajama set, then curled under the covers, exhaustion sweeping me away into oblivion.
Standing on the precipice of battle, readying myself to draw my sword, Josh stood beside me, sporting an identical weapon. His smile was reassuring, moving the scar on his left cheek. Touching where the wound had healed, I kissed his cheek gently, returning to the battle before us.
“Are you ready?” he asked, taking my hand in his.
“I’m ready to finish this,” I declared. It was time to end the evil.
Josh shouted for our fleet to commence as we barreled down the hill, weapons raised, joining the others on the battlefield.
The first swing I took sliced an unfamiliar demon, almost humanlike, its head rolling away. Josh and I stood back to back, swinging every blow, hitting our target every time. Blood flew, bodies collapsed, some human, some demon, as demons of every species plagued the field we fought on, working together to take all of us down.
My sword glowed, power emanating from the blade. I grunted, finding myself in a standoff between two more, not sure what they were called, but I kept fighting.
Josh shouted another command, only to give me a private one in my head. Back up a bit. Use me as leverage.
Knowing exactly what he meant, I put all my weight on his back, rolling off to switch sides with him. How are more showing up?!
They had time to build their armies. I wouldn’t be surprised if the numbers were—
I heard his grunt. The sound of metal on metal colliding caught my attention.
Finishing off a demon of my own, I tried to help Josh, only to be caught by several more invading my space. Chloe stood on the outer edges with Baron, trying to stop any more from coming through.
Josh cursed, metal clashing. “You’re a fucking coward!”