Page 25 of The Rules of Dating a Younger Man
Alex: Damn. I was going to put in a request for a red merino wool cap and scarf. I lost mine.
Unknown: Sorry to disappoint. But I might consider taking a knitting class if you don’t run out on me next weekend…
I didn’t really run out, though I did leave without saying goodbye.
Alex: I actually saw you at Memorial Hospital. I donated some gaming consoles and happened to pass by as you were giving a little boy a Spider-Man prosthetic. It was really cool, by the way.
Unknown: That was Landon. Why didn’t you tell me you were there?
Alex: I didn’t want to interrupt. Plus, I needed to get home.
I started to type that I needed to get home before it got dark, because I didn’t see so great driving at night anymore. But that would only make me sound even older than I was. So I hit send and waited. This time, the dots started to bounce around, then stopped for a minute or two before resuming jumping, and then again stopping once more. Nothing happened for a full five minutes, so I started to think maybe our chat had come to an end. Then my phone vibrated.
Unknown: This might be inappropriate, but I haven’t been able to stop thinking of you since yesterday. Actually, since we first met…
Reading that made me way more excited than it should’ve. But I wasn’t sure how to respond. Did I admit that I thought about him all the time, too? I could…but I didn’t want to lead him on. I could lie… Or change the subject without an answer? While I was still mulling over my choices, another text arrived.
Unknown: I know you’re sitting there carefully considering how to respond, so I’ll let you off the hook and change the subject. Think you can get back upstate on Thursday again this week? I could use help picking out tile and appliances. And before you say no, you might want to think about the poor patients with cancer who are going to be looking at gray walls, gray tile, gray paint, and gray appliances if you don’t help a guy out…
I really, really wanted to. But my gut said it wasn’t a good idea. I didn’t trust myself to spend time with him alone. Wells might be able to compartmentalize his experiences into simple flings vs. relationships, but I wasn’t so sure I had it in me. I wanted to give it some more thought, though, so I kept my options open.
Alex: I’m pretty busy at work this week. I probably won’t be able to, but I’ll try.
I heard the disappointment in Brayden’s voice, even via text.
Unknown: I won’t bug you any more since you’re busy. Thank you for the donation. It was very generous of you. Have a good week.
I typed back thank you and tried to get back to work. But when I opened my laptop, the screen illuminated right to Brayden’s face again. Guess I hadn’t closed the website. Damn. He’s so handsome.
Wells strolled into my office. He came around my desk and looked at my screen. “Lord, have mercy. Who is that beautiful creature? Please tell me you’re on a gay dating website.”
“It’s Brayden. The guy I was telling you about earlier.”
“You said he was good looking, not an Adonis.”
I exhaled. “It doesn’t matter what he looks like. Nothing’s going to happen, Wells.”
“Why not?”
I shrugged. “I don’t know. Flings are not for me.”
“When do you see him again?”
“Friday. He actually just asked me to come up a night early to help pick out some things for the house. But I said I didn’t think I could.”
Wells pointed to Brayden’s face on the screen. “Oh, you’re going early. Even if I have to tie you up and drive you there myself.”
I’d arrived upstate even earlier than expected the next weekend and decided to stop by Memorial Cancer Center. Since my last visit here, I’d spoken to the hospital social worker over the phone, and she’d suggested I become a volunteer. They’d run a background check on me, and I’d sent in some paperwork. Now I just had to sign in as a volunteer before each visit.
There was no better way to make use of my time today than to visit a special young girl, who seemed in desperate need of company. Ashlyn was twelve and currently undergoing treatment for non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Her big, beautiful eyes stood out against her perfectly smooth bald head.
We spent the better part of an hour talking about reality TV and music until a nurse interrupted to check her vitals. I took out my phone and scanned messages to give them as much privacy as I could while being in the room. But I felt Ashlyn eyeing me the whole time.
“You’re really beautiful,” she said after the nurse walked out.