Page 26 of The Rules of Dating a Younger Man
“Why, thank you.”
“I hope I have hair like yours when it grows back.”
“What did your hair look like before?”
“It was curly, but I’m hoping it grows back straight.”
I wasn’t going to burst her bubble and tell her I’d actually heard that the opposite happened sometimes after chemo—previously straight hair grew back curly. Maybe she’d get lucky. She certainly deserved it.
Ashlyn adjusted her blanket. “Are you doing anything fun tonight?”
A vision of Brayden popped into my head. “I’m not sure, actually. I might be meeting a friend for dinner.”
“Is it a girl?”
“Actually, no. It’s a…boy.” I chuckled. Brayden was technically a boy in my mind, I supposed.
“Make sure you wear a pretty dress.”
I looked down at my black pants and white cowl-neck sweater. “You don’t like my outfit?”
“It’s okay, but if I were going out tonight, I’d put on a pretty dress.”
“Well, I’ll tell you what, I’ll put on a pretty dress for you.”
“Pink,” she clarified.
“Pink?” My eyes widened. “I don’t generally wear—”
“Pink! It has to be pink.” She laughed. “Wear a pink dress for me. Because I’m stuck here and can’t.”
When she put it that way, how could I not? I nodded. “A pink dress it is. You got it.”
She pointed her finger at me. “Pictures or it didn’t happen.”
“You need pretty shoes, too.”
This little angel wanted to live vicariously through me. I took a deep breath. “What might these shoes look like?”
“They have to be glass, like Cinderella shoes.”
“Pretty sure glass slippers don’t really exist, but maybe I can find something that looks clear. Would that work?”
She nodded. “That would be acceptable.”
“Okay, good.” I sighed. “Well, you’ve left me with a lot to do this afternoon. Find a pink dress and glass-like shoes. So I’d better be on my way.” I stood.
“Text me a photo later?” she asked.
“Do you have a phone?”
“Duh!” She reached over to her side table and waved a cell in a pink silicone case.
“Okay. Sorry for doubting that.” I handed her my phone. “Enter your number here, and I’ll text you later.”
She took my phone, pressed some buttons, and handed it back. “Thanks, Alex.”