Page 11 of A Constant Love
As she sat in the front seat of my SUV, she couldn’t sit still.
“Will you calm down, Kansas?” I asked.
“Will you please tell me where we are going?” She asked sarcastically. “We had to leave Mason with Jacinda, and you won’t even tell me where we are going.”
“Don’t you like surprises?”
If I didn’t already know the answer was no, the glare she shot my way would have explained it.
Reaching over, I grabbed her hand and linked my fingers with hers. “We are going to New York.”
“I want to show you some things.”
I could feel her entire body tense.
“But don’t worry, we won’t be seeing my mother at all,” I chuckled but wanted to make that fact known.
Instantly, she relaxed back into her seat.
“So, are we going into the city?” She asked.
“I figured maybe we would go to the city tomorrow and see what we can get into, but today, I have other plans.”
I waited for her to press me for more information, but she didn’t. Instead, we spent the rest of the ride listening to music and singing along, neither one of us able to carry a tune to save our lives.
When she was singing and dancing along in her seat, I saw the fun-loving woman I fell in love with instead of the one who had had a dark clouded hanging over her head for weeks.
We were driving to my family’s house in the Berkshires, where we tended to spend our holidays and summers. Besides the home Sam and I shared in Boston, my family’s house in the Berkshires was my favorite place in the entire world.
I’d made sure to tell my father ahead of time that we would be using the house so he would know to keep my mother away. Thankfully, they were already scheduled to be out of the country for the weekend. Lord knows, I didn’t need my mother barging in making Sam feel inadequate once again. Hell, she’d probably tell me that I wasn’t part of the family anymore and was banned from the house.
I’d always dreamed of bringing Sam to the house when it was warmer so we could spend ample time outside. After all, the weather in the Northeast wasn’t exactly pleasant in February.
But with the way things were going, I had to get her away for a while…had to get her mind off of all the bad and get her having some fun again.
As we pulled from the long, winding road onto the driveway, Sam’s mouth dropped.
“You actually spent time here? Trust fund, this isn’t just a house…this is a fucking castle.”
A hearty laugh erupted from my chest. “Ah, Kansas, you’ll love it.”
Usually, I would have parked in the garage and went in that way, but Sam was practically barreling out the door before I could even get the car stopped.
She ran to the front door, waiting for me to unlock it, and as the front door swung open, her eyes lit up, and she smiled.
There’s my girl.
Chapter 9 – Sam
When I tell you Tyler’s house was huge, I am not saying that to be facetious. I mean it was massive.
And gorgeous. Absolutely stunning.
I have never been one to get excited over wealth or extravagance of any kind, but this house was beautiful. Yes, it was big and brilliant, but yet it had a homey feel to it that made even me, a mere peasant, feel welcome.
It had more bedrooms than I cared to count and an even larger number of bathrooms. It had a kitchen with enough refrigerators and pantries to feed a small army. It even had a game room and home theatre.