Page 18 of A Constant Love
We both sat in silence for a few minutes, enjoying the pure serenity of the moment. The world was quiet.
I was so utterly relaxed I could have fallen asleep listening to the hum of the tub and feeling the bubbles from the jets.
I have no idea how much time passed in silence before I felt Sam scoot over onto my lap and start kissing my cheek.
“You better not be sleepy,” she said in between peppering my whole face with kisses.
“Nope. Wide awake,” I said without opening my eyes. “One part of me is especially awake.”
Reaching between us, she stroked my length up and down before settling herself on top of it.
Water lapped between us as she started moving up and down, and she giggled as it splashed in her face.
“Do you want to move this to the bedroom?” She asked.
“I have a better idea,” I replied while turning her, so she was staring out the large windows.
Entering her from behind, I leaned forward to wrap my hands around her waist while grabbing her tits and kissing her neck.
“Oh fuck, Ty,” she moaned as I moved in and out.
She angled her body back so her mouth could find mine and take what it wanted. One hand reached back to gently tug on my hair as she devoured me with her kiss.
This woman had more sexuality in her whole body than anybody else I had ever been with. She was pure desire, lust, craving, and passion all in one tiny little package.
Sam might have been one of the most awkward women on the planet in everyday situations, but when it was just us, and I got her naked, she turned into a goddess. Every touch I laid on her body, she relished. Every kiss between us meant everything.
I might not have held the key to all of Sam’s secrets, and we might have a mountain of hurdles to climb over in the future…but in those moments of love we shared, nothing could come between us. Nothing else in the world mattered except her and me.
And in that night, as we made love with the snow falling outside, I wished we could have stayed in our perfect little snow-globe forever.
Chapter 13 – Sam
Two weeks had passed since we had gotten home from our lovely weekend away, and I was already ready to escape again.
The text messages from James were becoming more and more frequent and all the more hateful. He was toying with me like he was the lion, and I was the sickly gazelle he was about to eat.
I did my best to ignore them and just stick to my normal routine. After all, I didn’t think he would try anything in front of anyone…which is why I constantly tried to surround myself with people.
Being an introvert, I wasn’t crazy about always having someone around, but I figured my safety trumped my anxiety.
Tyler was with me most evenings. Gabe escorted me to my classes every day. I’d even made a dinner date with Emily for that evening since Tyler was going to get a beer with Andrew.
To be honest, I didn’t want him to go, but since I was still trying to pretend that I was doing just fine, I couldn’t exactly ask him to stay without divulging what was really going on.
Instead I put on a happy face and tried to be as chipper as possible…or at least as chipper as I would have normally been. I wasn’t exactly the poster child for peppiness.
Since we had arrived back, I had found some solace in whiskey every night. Not the healthiest of approaches, I know, but I was desperate to quiet the screaming terror in my head. Plus, if I was drunk enough, I didn’t dream.
My nightmares ranged from one end of the spectrum to the other. One night, I would be dreaming about James finding me or him attacking me all over again. Others, I would dream of the good times I remember from our relationship. No matter how the dream started though, it would always end the same way…anger would overtake him, he would lash out, and I’d wake up in a cold sweat screaming bloody murder.
Tyler kept asking, but I never gave him many details, instead making up something about how I dreamed James found me, all while insisting I didn’t need to talk about it. And I made sure to always keep my phone on silent and delete all messages from James so that Ty wouldn’t see them.
I hated being that person. The person who lied to the man she loved. But as cliché as it sounded, it was for his own good. It was to keep him safe. If James knew I had told Tyler any of this, he would have made sure he would end up in a shallow grave somewhere. After all, Tyler had money too which made him a threat to James…who knew exactly how money talked, and bullshit walked.
Despite his wonderfully understanding nature about my privacy, I could see Tyler was hurt by my secrecy. One day, I would figure out a way out of this whole mess, and one day, I would make it up to him. One day, I wouldn’t be so broken, and I’d be the woman he deserved.
Before he headed out to go meet Andrew, I walked in the kitchen and handed him an envelope.