Page 19 of A Constant Love
“What’s this?” He asked.
“Rent. I know I haven’t been paying the past couple months, but the tutoring is going well, so here you go. Should cover everything I owe.”
He laughed. “You’re joking, right?”
“Why would I be joking?”
“Because we are together as a couple now, Sam. Hell, I didn’t want your money before we were together, I sure as fuck don’t want it now.” He tossed the envelope on the counter.
I held up my hand. “Tyler, this isn’t up for discussion. I’m not living here for free. I don’t believe in getting something for nothing.”
He crossed his arms over his chest, “You’re being ridiculous right now. It’s not like I need the money.”
My attitude came out full force at him calling me ridiculous. “Well, who knows? You might need the money when your mom decides to cut you off for continuing to date me…unless you decide to leave me to keep your fortune.”
His hand ranked through his hair. “You know that’s not fair. I told you that I would never let money come between us, and I’ve never given you a reason for you to think otherwise.”
“Then, don’t let it come between us now. Take the cash.”
The look in his eyes showed he was ready for a fight, but I was prepared to dig my heels in. Tyler had done so much for me in such a short amount of time, and despite us being together as a couple, it didn’t feel right to live in a house without paying my own way.
Growing up with nothing, I knew the value of a dollar, and no matter how much money Tyler had, I never wanted to forget that lesson. Never did I want to get complacent and forget how to work hard for what I had.
So, there we were…at a standoff in the middle of the kitchen. Neither of us backing down, and both of us irritated with each other and ready to go war.
He opened his mouth to present his next argument, but the doorbell rang signaling Emily’s arrival.
“We’ll talk about this later,” he said.
“No need. The conversation is over,” I replied walking to the front door.
When I opened it, Emily wrapped me in a huge hug. “Sam, I’ve missed you!”
“Aw, Em, I missed you too.”
As I was leading her into the house, I heard the garage door slam.
“Do you want something to drink?” I asked walking to the refrigerator.
“Do you have anything like ginger-ale?” She asked.
She nodded as I held up the bottle of lemon lime soda we had. As much as I wanted a beer or something stronger, I opted to drink some of the soda with her instead.
“Oh, thanks,” she said taking the glass from me. “This baby is tearing me up inside, but please don’t feel like you can’t drink on my account.”
Shaking my head, I said, “Not at all. I’m a little burnt out on the booze anyway.”
I continued, “So, the baby’s giving you a hard time, huh?”
She sighed, “Girl, you have no idea. I am nauseated literally all the time.”
“Shouldn’t you be past that by now? Isn’t it supposed to only be like the first three months or something?” I asked like I had the slightest inkling of what being pregnant entailed.
“Yeah, it’s supposed to be, but apparently, this baby already hates me.” She lifted her shirt to show the tiniest of baby bumps.
“Well, good to know you haven’t lost that amazing figure of yours,” I said, taking notice of her still slim waist, larger than average bust size, and ample ass.