Page 55 of A Constant Love
“Oh, sorry. I just got off the phone with Mom.”
“Ah. Gotcha,” she said, immediately understanding my frustration. “Well, maybe I can help to cheer you up.”
“Doubt it but go on.”
“Well, do you remember my friend Anton who lives in L.A.?”
“Kind of,” I replied, my memory very vague of this friend of hers.
“Well, I told him about your app, and he’s very interested in talking to you!” She practically squealed with excitement.
“Really? I mean it’s not completely done yet.”
“I told him that too, and he doesn’t care. Says he wants to be an investor on the ground floor and wants to meet with you this weekend! So, I figured you and I could fly out together.”
“You’re coming?” I asked.
“Of course! It’ll be a great chance for me to spend some time with my brother and catch up with my friend. I need a break from these New York streets. I need some sunshine!”
She finished giving me all the details, and I agreed, hoping I could get Sam to fly out with us, but when she got home, she wasn’t optimistic.
“Baby, I have tutoring appointments all weekend. Plus, I need time to finish up these last couple of papers.”
“Come on, Kansas, I need you there.”
She kissed me. “You go, and I’ll be fine. I’ll see if Gabe can come check in on me all weekend. I mean I’ll be with him most of the time anyways since he goes with me everywhere. Just think, if I can get this last little bit of work done, I will be done for the year, and when you get back, we can celebrate, completely uninterrupted.” She bit her lip so I would pick up on her inuendo.
I thought for a moment. Although I wanted her with me, I couldn’t pass up this opportunity. Plus, it would be nice to come home and be able to spend time with her without the stress of school bogging her down.
“Okay, but when I get back, you better be naked and waiting for me,” I joked.
“Deal,” she smiled.
“You should have heard me when Tess called. I practically bit her head off before I realized it was her.”
“Why?” Sam said while sipping from a water bottle.
“I’d just gotten off the phone with my mother.”
Her face dropped. “Good lord, what did she want now?”
“Oh, she wants you to sign a prenup.”
Her eyes widened. “Now, we are getting married?”
“Apparently. She thinks that she would have more faith in you if you agreed to sign one.”
She just shook her head.
“And she threatened to take my money away again. I told her if she’s going to do it, she needs to get on with it already.”
Her eyes drifted down to stare at her hands, so I leaned forward to kiss her.
“How about when I get back, we talk about all of this? We can discuss how we want to deal with her…money or not.”
Weakly, she nodded. “Sure. That sounds good.”
Chapter 33 - Sam