Page 32 of Light Fae's Love
“You’re feeling me, Ariana,” Lucca says as he gazes down at me with a bright blaze in his eyes, though dark passion is in them as well. “And I’m feeling you. It’s not just Quinn I desire in this trio building between us. You are the power that brings us together—you are the missing piece that makes this game work. I would be a fool to not tell you how that makes me feel. I love you, Ariana Summers. You don’t have to say it back, but my love has been building since the moment we met. When you were in my Livingtree before your trial, it was all I could do to not kiss you, nor do something idiotic like watch you while you slept. You should know I was up all that night, pacing. Only part of it was because I was worried about how your trial might go. The rest was because I already loved you, and was trying to justify it to myself…. When really, it needed no justification at all.”
“I feel the same,” I say as Lucca caresses my red hair back from my face. Though the energy rushing between us says it all, I inhale and voice what I’m feeling. “I didn’t know I loved you at first; I couldn’t justify feeling this way about anyone I had just met. It seemed bizarre; just a product of us being caught in an intense situation with that Revenant Gold Eyes and your father. But the more I looked at it, the more I realized true love exists. I’ve found it with both you and Quinn. And strangely enough, on the very same day.”
“You gave Quinn an ultimatum.” Lucca chuckles as something bright-dark and entirely sexy flashes through his blue eyes. “That he never makes you choose between him or me.”
“It was the truth. Still is.” I say with a smile.
“And here we are… forming the strangest threesome I could have imagined. Vampire, Fae, and Dark Fae,” Lucca says with a beautiful whimsy now, though it’s grounded in sensuality as he strokes my curls back again. “Who would have thought?”
“Plenty of people, apparently.” I feel darker now as my mind churns through all the problems we face with not just bigotry on both sides, but all the difficulties with Lucca’s father, not to mention the Vampire Council.
Lucca is all sex now as he corrals me close, though. He moves in and whispers his full, soft lips over mine, bringing me back to the moment. I fall into him, supported by his tall, firm body, as he whispers his fingertips over my bare shoulder-blades and spine above my gown.
Another reminder of our time together recently, encouraging me to take time again today.
It’s erotic, and heady as his bright rainbows cascade through me. As Lucca kisses my lips, reveling in touch and sensation, his power pours through me—encouraging me to revel in him as well. My power brightens tenfold to feel and taste him, every sensation heightened. Deep inside, a powerful flame catches fire, just like it did in the waterfall grotto.
I gasp—feeling my Summer Fae magic come alive.
I pull back from Lucca, rubbing my chest as I try to figure out what I’m feeling with my power. Deep inside, it’s not just like the burn of the sun, but like a mega-star ignited; like the cosmos’ hottest fire was just lit inside me, though it’s faraway still from us only kissing. Lucca gazes down at me with a subtle knowing, a beautiful smile on his face as I glance up. I see he understands what I’m feeling as that tiny supernova scorches me.
And I revel in his bright, loving gaze.
“This sensation inside me, like at the glade—” I begin.
“It’s your Royal Summer Fae magic, bound between us now. It blazes like a star going supernova deep inside you,” Lucca says with deep awareness as he strokes my collarbones. His other hand curls around my back, his fingertips stroking there, too. “Mine feels like that, when I love deeply or when I let myself go wild and rage. Like the brightest, most deadly star in the universe. About to explode from my power, when I let my strongest passions be felt.”
“It’s hotter when you stare at me like that.” I stare into Lucca’s bright, beautiful eyes, reveling in them. That fire blazes to the things I see in his mind now—Lucca wanting me in the most carnal way as we regard each other.
I blush hard as a wave of energy crests through me then, like the dance of the sun cascading over green fields. It’s blinding like sunlight shining off a river as I stare up into Lucca’s eyes and our bodies dance now with each other in slow movements, like trees or blades of grass flowing in a wind on a hot summer’s day. Erotic, our brightness is intense.
Though there’s still darkness to it—as if the power of passion holds court inside Lucca, rather than just the bright force of love.
“It gets hotter,” Lucca murmurs as he holds me, dancing to that ephemeral Fae movement, “when we indulge it like we did by the waterfalls. Revelry is a Fae thing, Ariana; it’s what makes us different from Vampires. When we revel in the motion of life, in the dance of it, in the power and blaze and fury of it… it makes us strong. There are so many more things I’d like you to experience with our power. If you want to.”
“I want to.” My body heats more at Lucca’s insinuation, that blaze searing now with white-gold heat and my moon-dark silver as I stare up into his eyes, dancing with him in this powerful sensation.
“Then let’s do it.” Lucca gives a deviant smile as he nuzzles my lips. “I might just explode if I get any hotter around you, Ariana Summers. All of this heat ought to go somewhere, don’t you think? Like… between your thighs? As you wrap your beautiful body all around me and fuck me into oblivion?”
I inhale, pleasantly shocked by Lucca’s manly tongue, as he grins at me like a ruffian. He’s been a prince for nearly six hundred years, though, and is probably used to talking like that in the bedroom when he wants to get some.
My thoughts about his entitled past, however, are banished to memories of our power and passion together. As he leans down, he sets his lips on mine, kissing me deeply. His lips are so soft, his kiss so decadent that I fall into him as that white-gold luminousness reaches a screaming point.
It can go so much brighter, I know from experience now as Lucca draws back, the promise of it shining in his eyes. White and blue and so many colors, they shine like the diamond rainbow of his aura as it dazzles the treehouse.
Eager to have our revelry again today.
“Come,” Lucca says as he takes my hand.
As he leads me up the winding silver stairs, I realize he’s not taking me to the guest bedroom. We continue up and further up, circling around the inside of the trunk, passing reading rooms and sitting-areas, guest bedrooms and ornate bathrooms, each more Fae than the last. It leaves me wondering if the tree really is that big, or if the interior has been enchanted somehow to seem bigger than it is. As Lucca gains the pinnacle, ascending through a lattice-woven basket of beautiful vines and flowers, I see we’ve come to the top.
And I gasp in wonder—looking out over the top of the world.
It’s an astounding view as I gaze in a three-sixty all around. At the far top of the trunk, the last slender limbs of silver bark have grown up around an enormous vaulted penthouse space—Lucca’s private bedroom. Ornate silver, blue, and white embroidered drapes hang from the lattice-worked alcoves, beautiful domes and sitting-niches interspersed with tall shelves of books that somehow don’t obstruct the view, only enhance it. Through those immense latticed vaults, I see the forest below, stretching for miles under the hot Florentine evening.
On the horizon, ravines cut the land with rolling hills beyond. Nearby, all is the deep peace of the silver forest, however, as the open lattices permit a late breeze with the sound of birdsong. I turn now, seeing a beautiful silver stone and wood bathing area to one side, a mirror pool cascading in an infinity-edge balcony over the summer forest. Breathless with delight, I don’t miss the massive silver wood bed to one side, its footing and beautiful canopy made of the tree’s sculpted wood.
The rest cascading in silver-blue bedding and drapes I long to fall into.