Page 33 of Light Fae's Love
“Lucca, it’s beautiful! Do you spend a lot of time here?” I say as I gaze around. I still have no clue what Lucca’s rooms in the Palace of Light look like. This is the first actual glimpse I’m getting of how he keeps any kind of personal space.
And it’s beautifully serene—saying so much about him.
“As much as I can.” Lucca guides me inside now, the floor made of ultra-soft flowering vines rather than wood. It’s like walking on rose petals as I cross with Lucca to the bathing area with its infinity-edge overlook. Soft and decadent, the silver-white flowers blossoming from those vines aren’t crushed by my weight. I can’t wait to take off my high-heeled slippers and walk upon it. As if reading my mind, Lucca bends with a knowing look.
Going down on one knee and setting my hand on his strong shoulder—taking off my shoe.
I feel like the strangest version of Cinderella as Lucca slides his beautiful touch over my ankle. As he gently lifts my foot to slide off my shoe, my breath catches, my heart racing as I steady myself on his shoulder. Lucca’s broad back is delicious beneath his doublet as he deftly removes my slipper and his strong fingers stroke my ankle. He’s definitely done this before as he looks slyly up.
And strokes his fingertips slowly up the back of my bare calf.
The sensation is decadent as he continues his sexy, purposeful glide up behind my knee, massaging. His blue eyes are cunning as he watches me, sliding his fingers higher up the back of my thigh in a similar but oh-so-different replay of what we did at the grotto.
His arm is all the way up under my skirt now and I gasp, rocking as he grips the back of my thigh. It’s way up high, so close he grazes me; thin Fae skirts are no match for Lucca’s ardor as he pulls me to him. I stumble and brace against him as he grips the back of my upper thigh hard. His other hand slides up to lift my skirts.
So he can kiss right between my thighs.
He kneads and kisses me now, as he works in deeper between my thighs. I’m already parting for him as he slides his other hand up beneath my gossamer Fae underwear, massaging my ass. Still off-balance, I’m supported on Lucca’s amazing shoulders as he kneads me. He holds me by the backs of my thighs, pulling me close.
And eases his lips over me through my underwear.
“What do you want, Ariana?” He says, his lips stroking me with only the thin gossamer fabric between. My hands are in his hair, combing through its ash-blond decadence as he holds me up from falling. “Do you want me to taste you?”
“Yes! Gods, yes.” I rock with heady passion as Lucca kneads the backs of my thighs. His smile is wicked as he nuzzles in against me, inhaling my scent. He reaches out with his tongue now, licking deliciously over me with the thin silk still in between, making me gasp and shudder with delight.
I revel in the sensation as he breathes over me again, licking along the edge of my underwear and holding me in his firm grip. He has me by the ass now, massaging me and letting me know how strong he is. Like Quinn, Lucca has a preternatural strength. Still smiling wickedly, he teases his tongue beneath my thin underwear now, licking once over me.
As I cry out—my passion and magic skyrocketing.
Lucca wraps an arm around my waist now, crushing me close as he noses my underwear aside. He delves in, supporting me with his strength as I shudder and buck to his licking. His insistence is like an animal, that I succumb to him; I do, coming apart in his arms as he takes me and curls over me with his tongue again and again.
But his tongue isn’t enough, even with his adeptness. With an animal growl, he thrusts two fingers in now like he did at the waterfalls, holding me up with his hand splayed at my low back and his arm around my ass. I shudder and buck from his pleasure, fighting to get away from it, but I can’t. I place my hands on his shoulders, crying out as he pushes me harder, faster, deeper.
Making me come from his overwhelming passion.
With wicked delight, Lucca shoves his fingers into me as hard as he can now as I come, licking over me like a maniac to make me come again. As he does it a third time, just so I fall apart in his arms and scream for him, digging my fingernails into his broad shoulders as my dark rainbows explode around us, he pushes to his feet. In a lithe movement, he scoops me into his arms so he can take me to bed. Before we can get there, however, Quinn abruptly floods our trio’s connection open wide.
To pour a wrathful thought into us both in the oncoming night.
You two must get back here immediately. I see Quinn’s dark onyx gaze flash with fire somewhere beneath the Florence Hotel. We have a matter of dire urgency, and I cannot speak of it via mind-communique. Do not delay. Get back here at once.
I set a hand to my chest, gasping—feeling the Vampire side of my magic return in a rush. As my glow with Lucca flashes out and the last rays of the sun fade from the evening sky, I feel Quinn rush up inside me and Lucca like a thunderstorm. It’s a thunderstorm full of ash and flame, as he opens his connection to both of us wide.
And impresses the emergency of this situation now—genuine danger, rather than just a plot of his that he needs us for tonight.
“Lucca, we need to—” I try to say with urgency now. I’m still gasping and flustered, though, by the furious prelude sex Lucca just unleashed on me.
“I know. Let’s go,” Lucca says. He’s on it, though I can feel how his aura darkens at not just whatever danger Quinn is facing without us, but also because our second lovemaking got so disastrously interrupted.
There’s no delaying tonight, though, as Quinn’s urgency ratchets up to a frenzy inside us now. I’ve never felt Quinn this riled before, except when our lives were in danger from the Summer Fae King, and when the Bloodstone exploded and those Vampire Revenants came pouring out.
This is just as much of an emergency as Lucca keeps me in his arms, striding to a vaulted balcony of the Livingtree like I weigh nothing.
Nothing will stop Lucca from making me finish enjoying what we started, though. He raises his magics in a furiously passionate wind around me and all through me now; as he carries me to the balcony, he resumes making his energy delve into me.
His auric power is like a thick, hard phallus now since his hands are busy carrying me; he takes me over and over in an extended fucking as he strides to a silver-white railing on the wide balcony, overlooking the forest. His face is pure joy as I shudder and buck in his arms, undone and crying out from such tremendous pleasure as my lips breathe hard at his neck.
It’s only as the Livingtree lowers the balcony rail, making it an egress, that I realize we’re not headed down to a carriage but out into the night. As the evening’s gloaming takes the Twilight sky, I see how high up we are. Unable to stop from looking down hundreds of feet to the silver forest below, terror grips me and I freeze.