Page 34 of Light Fae's Love
As Lucca strides right to the edge of the balcony and I eep, he gives an amused smile. He pushes his pleasure inside me again, harder, and his auric fucking rolls me now; taking my fear, his pleasure spreads it out into the world’s most decadent adrenaline rush as he banishes my terror and I shudder near climax again.
Lucca pushes his power into me one last time, thrusting hard and deep. I feel not just any phallus now, but his glorious, hard cock fucking me. I scream out his name at the top of his treehouse as I come for him, unraveling into boneless delight as my orgasm goes on and on.
Only then does Lucca launch up into the air, spreading his massive wings of light to the blue evening sky. I soar with him as we go to save our Master Vampire.
From what may be a fate worse than death.
Lucca and I arrive at the Red Letter Hotel Florence, touching down on my balcony as night falls. I understand Lucca’s choice of entrance; it’s safer for us to come in this way, rather than risk going in through the main doors since we have no idea what’s going on. Curio Silverfrost waits for us in my apartment; as if Quinn knew precisely where we’d arrive, Curio says nothing as we step in through the balcony doors, only flicking his fingers at us to follow.
As we exit my apartment, I find everyone in the Hotel is on high alert. The entire Dark Haven of Florence buzzes like a beehive; tensions are higher than I’ve ever seen them, as porters and Hotel personnel scurry around with haste.
I feel as if we’re suddenly entertaining foreign dignitaries we did not know were coming. It’s the first time my bond to Quinn has been distinctly unpleasant; as Lucca and I are escorted to a first-floor drawing room I’ve never been in, one Quinn reserves for Hotel board meetings, I lift my eyebrows at Curio.
Not even Quinn’s top lieutenants can keep all that rageful energy from touching me, however, as Lucca and I arrive at a Hotel that feels like it’s going to war. Quinn’s Third in the Dark Haven of Florence keeps his mouth shut and his mind even quieter, rare for him, as he escorts us in. In fact, though I normally feel mind-chatter between all Quinn’s Vampires through my connection to Quinn, I feel dead silence between them now, other than that terrible buzzing.
It’s like everyone has locked their minds up tight against whatever’s happened, though their rage is palpable.
As Lucca and I arrive in the drawing room now, I see three individuals already there—Vampires not of our Dark Haven, conferencing with Devi and Quinn. The energy of those three Vampires sets everything inside me viciously on-edge, instantly. Though all three seem normal for Vampires at first glance, I know at once something is wrong with them.
One is a buxom brunette in 1950s attire, the second a lean, older man with greying hair dressed in a 1930s three-piece suit. The last is a tiny member of a Twilight bee-buzzing people, whose elegant gown forms and re-forms over her body as it changes color, made of filaments from her own person.
The three turn towards me as Lucca and I enter. As they pin me with their gazes, like firebrands of ice, I feel a terrible chill stalk right through my bones. Quinn and Devi turn also—but not before those three newcomers flash to me so fast I don’t even see it. They surround Lucca and me in a triad, raising their hands palm-up at their sides.
And open their mouths—as voices flow from each of them, not of their making.
Dark Fae Ariana Summers, of Master Quindici DaPonti’s Dark Haven. They say as one now, though the voice that issues from their mouths is not being made by their vocal cords, and neither do they move their mouths or lips. They simply stare at me as that terrible voice issues from all three of them at once.
As it comes to me in stereo, surrounding me and pummeling into my bones.
Dark Fae, you are Summoned to the Council of Rome. They continue, as I fight an urge to clap my hands to my ears and scream in defiance and horror from that terrible, inhuman voice. The Council has heard of you and your Master’s ability to return Revenants to their saner minds and flesh, and we wish to have a demonstration of your powers. We summon you and him to Rome; do this demonstration before us and prove your might. If you are successful, we shall grant Master DaPonti the leave to argue for his Sire’s seat among us. Your Summer Fae, however, is not invited. Prince Lucca Bellari of the Summer Fae Court is barred from setting foot in Rome, on pain of death. As we have told your Master, you have twenty-four hours to arrive in Rome, upon which we shall give you further instructions on when you shall appear before us. Failure in any of these tasks will incur severe repercussions, and direct action against the Dark Haven of Florence. Come to us, or face our wrath. That is all.
That terrible sound dies away, though now the three Vampire messengers suddenly scream. It’s a terrible, nails-on-a-chalkboard sound, as if their very souls writhe in torment in the darkest bowels of hell. I do clap my hands to my ears now, as all three erupt into whirling black smoke.
It rushes around me and Lucca before flying off through the tall, open windows.
The night feels blacker than death now as I stare in shock at Quinn, seeing his eyes dark with fury. Beside me, Lucca trembles with rage as he stands in defiance of this sudden new threat.
“What the fuck was that?” Lucca says as I feel his bright-dark energy whirl at the message we just received.
“That was an official Summons from the Vampire Council of Rome. Apparently, they heard about our little trio, and our ability to return Revenants. Which I had hoped to keep from them quite a lot longer than this. Until we knew what to do with it,” Quinn says with the worst sigh I’ve ever heard as he comes to us, severely Vampire-pale and marble-chill. His dark aura swirls around the room in a maelstrom as I feel it churn through our bond. It’s not just wrath Quinn is possessed by right now, though, as I feel his true emotions through our bond.
It’s fear—as we find ourselves in a worst-case scenario he had hoped to prevent.
“That was bullshit.” Lucca’s eyes blaze with diamond-fire, his power surging now to protect Quinn and me. “You can’t go to Rome and do that demonstration, Quinn. You and Ariana have no chance of stabilizing the Music without me. Going to Rome is a death sentence.”
“Still. We have been Summoned. Without you, Lucca.” Quinn argues back as Devi and Curio stand silent nearby, watching our bound trio like we’ve just been given the death penalty. “Ariana and I must go to Rome alone… and wrangle this magic however we can.”
“You know that’s impossible, Quinn.” Lucca blazes as he scrubs a vicious hand through his hair now. “You know the Vampire Council just want to kill you and Ariana both for what our trio can do, now that they’ve discovered what you’ve been keeping from them. They’re setting you up to fail, on purpose.”
“I know, Lucca. I know.”
As Quinn and Lucca both stare at each other, I feel ardor and fear, fury and wrath blaze through Lucca’s magic. It’s matched by a terrible fury in Quinn’s dark eyes, which alternates with fear, then back to fury. I shudder at the power of both men’s rage at what the Vampire Council is forcing us to do. Because Lucca’s right; trying to perform a Revenant-waking demonstration in Rome will be a death sentence for Quinn and me without Lucca present.
Everyone knows it, as we all stare at each other in the night.