Page 36 of Dark Fae's Destiny
As Junius’ shock and love crashes through all his elite forces now, thanks to the mystical bonds the Brightwatch and Darkwatch share, I feel them understand this man before them was once their prince. Few Summer Fae knew Quinn’s secret; Junius was one of only a handful, since Quinn changed so much when he supposedly became a Vampire.
I feel them all understand who he is now—their old, beloved Prince, come home at last, when he was thought dead. And I feel them understand as Junius does, as the Music surges through us all and Quinn’s wings blaze a pure, towering white with beautiful swathes of gold-red fire now, that Quinn is still very much alive.
Still Fae—just as he was of old.
Junius sees those wings, the wings of the real Valerio Incendari before him at last, and he cries out. He falls to his knees before Quinn, casting his wretched devil-spear away.
Placing his forehead on the white promenade, he sobs to his deepest heart as the Brightwatch and Darkwatch bow reverently away from the Palace of Light.
Surrendering to us and our bright love without a fight.
As the Summer Fae Brightwatch Commander Junius Alterri goes down on his knees before Quinn, casting away his bright helm and horrible spear, the King’s Brightwatch and Darkwatch go down on their knees, as well. At last, they recognize their former Prince Valerio Incendari, beloved amongst them. That recognition is luminous as the Music sings through us all now, banishing the Gold Eyes’ taint in Archivolio Bellari’s entire army. Our Music doesn’t die as that black void screams like we’ve burned it with the power of our love.
As Quinn reaches down, running his fingers through Junius’ hair.
“Valerio! Forgive me!” Junius gasps as he looks up. Tears are in his violet-green eyes as they are finally opened to the person trying to fight for the Summer Fae’s salvation.
And it is not their King, as Quinn extends a hand.
“You are not to blame for the Summer Fae’s current predicament, Junius.” Clasping forearms with the Brightwatch Commander, Quinn helps him rise. Quinn grips forearms hard with Junius, then glances around the entire Summer Fae army. They surround us now as our song quiets on the sprawling gravel promenade, so we can hear the former Prince of the Summer Fae speak.
“Friends! You have been betrayed!” A trick of Quinn’s magic carries his words to all ears now, to our allies and the Summer Fae army alike. Quinn’s aura blazes with white light and red-gold fire as he speaks, the Music surging with the power of his heart, unleashed.
“The Summer Fae King is not your ally, nor your protector!” Quinn says now as ferociousness takes him, his words scalding every ear. “King Archivolio Bellari has done a deal with a creature both ancient and monstrous, which has been maligning the Summer Fae for centuries. I know that creature, as does your current Summer Fae Prince, and the Dark Fae Ariana beside me. That creature is a demon of the ancient world, an Ascendant who fell and kept on falling into its deepest darkness, controlling you now with his ancient bonds through your king. Cast him off; be rid of him now, with me. Purify your hearts with love for each other—friend, foe, and the like. For we are all Summer Fae, though some have been given an added blessing of darkness. But we were one in the beginning, even the Vampires—all descended from those original Ascendants. We only split ourselves apart, with all our endless fighting…”
I feel Quinn’s words echo through every ear as he makes his speech and all listen. I feel hearts, minds, and souls become swayed now by the Music that still simmers through us, joining us as one though it has ceased to blaze with that towering sigil of love.
But that love is in our hearts now; I feel it, as all look around from friend to foe, from ally to enemy, and see that we are not so very different.
Indeed, we are simply different variations of hue, shade, darkness, and light. I see it now as thousands of Fae, Vampire, and Dark Fae wings around us flare. We’re all color, light, darkness, and song, as we simmer with this blessing Quinn’s words and the Music have given us.
As our unity floods now to every heart.
The Music tunes between us anew then, sealing us as one. I feel it as that new sigil expands, manifest inside our bodies, hearts, minds, and souls. It’s the strangest sensation, as I look around now and see everyone blinking to regard all those next to them as not friend or foe, but kin. It creates a massive confusion upon the sprawling promenade, but also a rightness.
As the Summer Fae army cast aside their weapons.
And our army does the same.
I don’t know when I threw away every blade upon my person, but it feels right, as the Music sings inside us with this new harmonic. I don’t understand it; I don’t know who’s making it, but it seems we all are, as I feel Quinn surrender to this new rightness of the Music, letting it weave between us all.
A call rises between us then, a song once more upon the lips of every heart. But it’s not a sad funeral song for Lucca that graces us as we sing again.
It’s an ancient Fae song known to us all.
I feel it as this towering song of celebration begins to march us into the Summer Fae palace. It’s not a war-song, but the song one would sing just after—when the army was victorious, and peace ruled the day.
Somehow, we all know it; Dark Fae, Summer Fae, and Vampires alike. Even the ancient once-Revenants know it and sing it now, the Spring Fae woman producing the most beautiful harmonies beside us.
It’s a song that transcends our separateness, as an ancient knowing fills me now. My deepest truth-power knows it, as I understand this song came from before we Fell and split into separate Lineages.
This song was ours before the divisions of Light and Night occurred, when we were still in our highest sublime state. For this, I know, is a song of the ancient Ascendants.
As a tirade of Ascendant Sigils comes through from the otherworld—forming a mighty pattern all around us.