Page 37 of Dark Fae's Destiny
I can’t read the swirling, complex movement of sigils in that pattern as it makes and remakes itself around us now. But it allows us to enter the Summer Fae Palace unaccosted as Junius waves his people to stand down inside the palace.
Our entire army, plus the surrendered Summer Fae, come with us. Throughout the mighty domes of gossamer and silk, marble and gold, that complex song of the ancients rings. It shakes us, it makes us; it has us beating our chests now and gripping our hair, crying for the pure ecstasy of our union as couples, trios, and more suddenly start throwing down all around us.
As we continue along the main hallway of the palace towards the King’s Throne Hall, Summer Fae, Dark Fae, even Vampires, are peeling off from our army as everyone is swept up by the incredible feeling of our oneness.
All have to celebrate, as those we pass by are also swept up by our power. Summer Fae nobles caught in the halls, other members of the army protecting the palace, even the guards on the doors of the King’s Throne Hall have to shake and kiss in a frenzy now as we devour them with our oneness.
Inside the Throne Hall, a council is being held; the hall is full of Summer Fae Magistros, nobles, and highest-level military commanders as we arrive.
But as the doors are thrown open, blasted away now by our power, everyone within startles. Flooded with the powerful love of our oneness, they cast aside robes and silks as couples, trios, and more go down to fuck from our luminous, blazing power.
Summer Fae cast away weapons now as they seize each other in a beautiful frenzy, surrendering to the love that is our nature. Quinn and me, Devi, Curio, my parents, Alleno, and our closest allies are the core of that power as we hold strong—even though the desire to throw Quinn down on the ground and fuck him into oblivion makes me shake with ecstasy now as we walk right to the King’s dais.
We don’t stand below like petitioners but ascend the steps, as King Archivolio Bellari roars for the hall to be secured. But our force of love and oneness cannot be stopped; the day becomes a fantastic orgy now beneath the towering gilded vaults as the Summer Fae King roars for it to halt.
As we arrive before him now—myself, Quinn, my parents, Devi, Curio, Alleno, and the three returned Revenants—I see Junius is with us. Altenni has flown in with Bello Belissimo on her back; Luliana Ouros is here, too, whom I missed before as she swirls with a haunting, watery power upon the dais. We are all here, standing for unity as King Archivolio Bellari roars before us.
Maddened into a towering oblivion by our love.
As the King’s horrible golden wings spread wide, I see how they are run through by the Gold Eyes’ power. Black coils like the deepest leviathan of darkness seethe all through them; Bloodsigns imbued into him by the fiend itself, I even see them beneath Archivolio’s golden-tan skin as they feed from his power and his fury.
Because that deepest Night has no heart of its own; it needs the Summer Fae King’s wrathful heart to feed it, as it drains him to give its power.
It’s only then I see Lucca, naked and curled up on his side near his father’s feet. Chained to his blue and white dragonfly throne by the most horrible black and gold manacles, I know at once they’re the Gold Eyes’ handiwork, just like Junius’ spear.
Those manacles sap the last of Lucca’s power as he lies on his side, shivering. He does nothing at our arrival, does not even look up from his fetal ball to our beautiful, cascading love as it goes rushing through the throne hall.
I know then he’s nearly gone—lost to us forever, as I leave Quinn to face off with the wrathful Archivolio Bellari. A sudden terror floods me as I rush to Lucca, Quinn and the King beginning to battle upon the high dais.
I have no eyes for it; I only know my parents are fighting with him, Curio and Devi, Junius, and the Revenants, as Alleno, Bello, and Luliana hasten to my side.
Altenni is with us, fluffing down around Lucca now and extending a wing over his naked body as she puts her beak by his ear. She coos to him as I cuddle close to Lucca, Alleno and Bello touching his shoulders and back.
As Luliana sets her hands on him, none of us watch the battle happening nearby. It takes everything my father and mother have now to keep that raging maelstrom of magic from hitting us as we work to revive Lucca, but they do, and I’m grateful for it.
As Luliana begins some of her ancient Vampire-Siren magic to pull the Gold Eyes’ wretched taint out of Lucca’s veins, I feel him struggle deep inside. As Lucca tries to find us, our group sealed in now by my parent’s magic as the battle rages, I feel compelled by my deepest truth-power to restart the Ascendant’s celebration song.
The others around me echo it; as we sing from our deepest hearts to bring Lucca back now, I feel him awaken more. As our song comes into a deep unity again, making our Music surge anew, I feel it as Lucca finally notices us.
Something deep inside his darkness surfaces now, touched by our bodies, our power, and our song. As the beauty of the Music flows through it all, he begins to come back to us.
He feels the press of my body against him now; he tastes my lips as I kiss him. He senses Altenni fluffed over him and Alleno and Bello touching him, bolstering him with their healing magic.
I feel it as that terrible inky sludge in his veins is rolled back, and his inner brightness replaces it. As soon as Lucca remembers he has brightness, that’s all he needs; I feel his bright heart rush back in a tirade now, knowing it’s us who have come to liberate him from this terrible, darkest magic.
Lucca returns in a blaze now, as a firestorm from Quinn and King Bellari continues all around us. The King is a formidable fighter and holds his own against his many assailants, thanks to his deal with the Gold Eyes; I feel its power explode in massive concussions all around our barrier, as the King begins to heave and swirl with a towering darkness now, almost like a Revenant.
Thanks to the Gold Eyes’ Bloodsigns in his veins, the King is immune to our Music; as his Revenant darkness devours him, making him less bright gold with more swirls of terrible darkness and malevolence, I hear a terrible, cacophonous sound fill his power.
The sound of the Gold Eyes itself.
I can’t focus on that, however, only stay with Lucca as we bring him back to life. He’s here now; I feel his fighting spirit and bright heart in every breath he struggles for, harder and deeper as he does his own healing breathing now to foist off this terrible magic.
His heart is beating strong where before it was cold and weak. I feel it hammer into my hand as I press my palm to his chest, encouraging him with everything I have to make it back.
Lucca comes, his righteous energy flooding all through his body now as he begins to heave and shake. He’s shaking off the taint of the Gold Eyes; I can see the ropes of blackness dissipate all through his veins and skin now as he eliminates that power from his body, his soul, and his heart.
His mind is waking up, too, as his beautiful blue eyes fly open. I see his irises clear of ropes of black snakes; he gasps, then heaves forward.