Page 41 of For What It's Worth
Why hadn’t I thought of this sooner? Better yet, why hadn’t the males? I needed to invest in an espresso machine for this place if it was going to take me this long to come up with common sense ideas.
“How much do you know about alpha and omega relationships? Or about packs?” Enzo asked.
“I’ve watched movies, read magazine articles. I have social media so it’s not like I’m completely in the dark. Every year I take a mandatory beta relations class about what to avoid with packs and omegas. But I didn’t get the formal education like at the Omega Compound.”
“Well, typically, there’s a waiting period between alpha claims, Orsetta.”
“Why? Wouldn’t that cause more … tension in the pack?”
“Alphas tend to become very possessive in the beginning of a bond—even with their own packmates. It’s safer for everyone if a newly bonded alpha has alone time with their omega. Typically, another bite too soon is seen as a threat instead of an addition.”
“Oh.” That was all I had. I hated the idea that there was information I was missing. But I couldn’t risk going to the Compound for answers and being pulled out of school. I was lucky enough to find alphas that supported my education prowess. I did not want to risk being dropped out for information I could easily obtain elsewhere. Like online. Or from a friend.
That was when I remembered. “Where’s my phone?”
Three alphas’ undivided attention was a lot to handle so early in the morning, but that was the result of my question.
“I think it’s charging in the living room,” Jen said, reluctantly. “We plugged it in for you last night before we went to your nest.”
“I’ll grab it.” Aidan was already heading down the hallway toward the bedrooms before he’d finished talking. When he returned, he handed me my phone but refused to let it go just yet. “You’re not planning on leaving, are you?”
Jen growled. “Of course she’s not.”
“I’m just making sure.”
Despite the aggression pouring off Jenson, Aidan looked to me. I didn’t know the proper response to give him. Did I shake my head no, I wasn’t going to leave? Or did I nod my head yes, his statement about me staying was correct? Ug, maybe I needed a third cup of coffee. They were smaller than I was used to, and they didn’t have any espresso shots. I blamed my confusion on that.
“I need to see if Hannah texted. You gave her my number, right, Addie?”
“Yes, I did, Koda bear.” Aidan preened at my use of his nickname and finally released the phone to me. With the other males so close, Jen pressed between my legs, one hand on his coffee mug, the other high on my thigh, definitely saying that I was his. Aidan stood to my left, his stomach occasionally touching my knee when he exaggerated his deep breathes. Enzo was on my other side, not touching me, but watching every point of contact with the other males like he was making sure nothing untoward happened.
My phone was already on with a text from an unknown number stating it was Hannah. The time stamp said it was sent about fifteen minutes ago. I saved the number before hitting call, my leg shaking with nerves.
It only rang twice before a female voice screamed my name on the other end. “Koda, I’m so glad you called. I was worried when we got separated last night. Aidan assured my alphas he and his packmates would take care of you, but I wasn’t sure, you know? And then I kept thinking, what if you didn’t want to go home with them but you had to because you were drunk? But Han said if I didn’t hear from you today, he would help me find you. Are you okay? Are you safe?”
I laughed at Hannah’s ramblings, feeling more confident about my decision to call and ask for her help. “Good morning to you too, Hannah. And I’m all good. I wanted to go home with Aidan.” Jenson growled, obviously displeased in being left out, so I added, “And Jen and Enzo.”
“Good. How terrible would it be if I let my new friend get kidnapped?”
“I can assure you I am definitely not kidnapped. But I was calling to see if you have plans for today?”
The silence from Hannah’s end of the phone made me nervous, but Jen purred softly, comforting me.
“Hey, so, change of plans today,” Hannah’s muffled voice said, indicating she wasn’t talking to me but holding her phone away from her ear, as if because she couldn’t hear me then I couldn’t hear her.
I couldn’t hear what her alphas said, but I just barely made out her end of the conversation. “Because Koda wants to hang out. Yes, I get that. No, I’m not worried she’s trying to lure me to a trap, Jackson. For fuck’s sake, Seb knows her alphas. Because I don’t know if she’s an omega. Well, I’m going, so one of you can come with me or I can—I’m not against her coming here, but don’t you think it’ll be a little much with all four of you? Hey, Koda?”
“Yep, still here.”
“Perfect. I’m free today so long as one of my alphas can come with. You know, for safety and whatnot.”
“Yeah, I get it. I think I might have a tagalong too.” I glanced at Jen, who nodded. “Want to do brunch?”
Hannah recommended some bougie place whose name I recognized but couldn’t pronounce, and we planned to meet in an hour before hanging up.
“I thought you said you weren’t leaving,” Aidan said before the screen on my phone had even dismissed my call with Hannah.
“I’m not leaving. But I’ve been so busy focusing on school and keeping my secret, I haven’t had a chance, or the guts, to make a friend. Hannah is the first person I’ve felt comfortable getting to know. Not to mention she has a pack with four alphas who have all claimed her. She might have some tips on how to manage…” I gestured to the four of us. “…during the waiting period.” Plus, I had lots of questions I needed to ask about knotting, my new bond, and loads of other shit only Hannah would know as a proper omega.