Page 67 of Her Dark Angel
The woman looks me up and down, her scowl deepening as she folds her arms over her chest. It is only then I notice the mismatched eyes staring back at me from the center of her white T-shirt. An image of Dark Angel is printed onto the fabric, possibly from a recent tour because the members don’t look any different.
Realization dawns on me, making my spine stiffen.
This woman is a fan of Dark Angel, which means this interaction could go one of two ways. And I’m hoping for my sake this interaction doesn’t go badly.
“You’re much uglier in person.”
Well, that felt like a hard punch to my stomach.
“I’m sorry?” I try to ignore Matt and Sadie’s eyes burning into the back of my head and focus on the woman in front of me. “Is there something I can do for you?”
“Yeah, you can stay away from Nash. You don’t deserve him,” she sneers, her voice dripping with so much venom I feel it seeping into my skin with each syllable. “He’s too good for a wannabe like you. If you were smart, you would realize that he’s better off without you.”
All I can do is stare at this woman as she reaches into my chest, grabs my beating heart with her bare hand, and rips it out from its nest, making sure to stomp on it with the heel of her white sneakers.
I’ve heard worse words come from worse people, but fuck me that was cruel and uncalled for.
I had prepared myself for such interactions when I signed the contract, but I was hoping I would never have to deal with a fan like this in person. And now here I am, standing in the middle of the street in downtown Los Angeles with my best friends watching on as I get torn to shreds by a Dark Angel fan.
What has my life become?
No one will ever want you, Kinnie. Not when I’m done with you.
“Hey, don’t talk to her like that,” Sadie says from behind me, trying to defend my honor.
I appreciate the sentiment, but I have no doubt it’ll only make this situation worse.
And I was right.
Despite the turmoil in my mind, I can’t help but think about the paps watching from the bushes across the street. I don’t need to see them to know they’re there. I’ve come to learn they will always be wherever I am, even if they don’t make themselves known.
If they were to snap a photo of this moment, Sadie red-faced and talking back to a Dark Angel fan, the paps would run with it. They will do anything for a good story, and I refuse to give them one.
I have Nash’s reputation to think about, as well as my own.
The woman sneers and shoots Sadie a death glare from over my shoulder. “Well, maybe you should tell your ugly friend here to take the hint and leave Nash alone. She’s a shit actress who has zero talent or personality. Nash’s life would be much better without you in.”
Without me, you would be a nobody, Kin. If it wasn’t for me, you wouldn’t have what you do. I made you.
Time moves in slow motion as I blink back the tears forming in the corner of my eyes. I silently turn to my best friends and tell them I’ll call them soon before I race down the street in the opposite direction, dodging pedestrians as they walk toward me.
A stray tear slides down my cheek as the fan’s words repeat in my mind, along with the harsh whispers of the demons occupying part of my mind, stabbing my heart more forcefully each time.
You’re a shit actress with zero talent or personality.
You’re uglier in person.
I made you, Kinnie.
Stay away from Nash, you don’t deserve him.
Nash’s life would be better without you in it.
I understand she doesn’t want me to date her favorite singer, but for her to attack my character? Now that was hurtful.
But I can’t help but wonder if she’s right. If the world were to find out about my past, no one would be able to look at me the same. They would say worse things, I’m sure. If anyone were to ever find out…
It makes me nauseous thinking about it.