Page 68 of Her Dark Angel
The interaction only serves as a reminder that whatever is going on between Nash and I cannot go any further than it already has. Not only do we have our own shit to deal with, but adding his crazy fans to the mix would be too much for me to handle.
Nash Beck can only ever be my fake boyfriend, and I need to remind myself of that until the contract expires. If I don’t stop this now, it’ll only make things harder for me down the line. The realization leaves a bitter taste in my mouth, which confuses me even more.
14 years old.
“Why are your hands all cut up?”
My eyes snap up to meet Hudson’s gray ones from across the lunch table. I blink at him, trying to process what he just asked me. I hadn’t realized I had been staring at the table, not listening to a word anyone had been saying. The chatter of the students sitting at the tables around us had momentarily drowned out his voice while I got lost in my thoughts.
I clear my throat in an attempt to block out the scraping of lunch trays against the long rows of tables surrounding us and the cash register dinging over by the kitchen across the room. Pizza grease lingers in the air, mixing with what I’m sure is a musty BO smell from the people who had gym before lunch.
“Yeah, are you okay, dude?” Axel asks. He bites into the single slice of bread he packed himself for lunch today. Considering how poor his family is, I’m surprised he has anything at all to bring to school.
I clench my shredded hands into a tight ball and pull them off the cream tabletop to rest on my thighs. “Yeah, I’m all good.”
Luca shoots me a pointed look from beside me. “Let me guess, your dad made you clean up his broken beer bottle again?”
All I can do is stare at him because he’s spot on.
The four of us have been friends long enough that we know more than enough details about the other’s home life. Having shitty parents and a terrible home life is something we all have in common. When we first met back in pre-K, we had no idea about what life was like outside of school for each other. It was only when we got older and started to notice bruises on the other, or there were mentions of parents doing something that wasn’t typical for the parents of our peers, we realized something was wrong. Well, except for Hudson’s parents—they’re the expectation. They have their flaws, but neither of them are as bad as my parents.
I soon realized that my friends understood what I was going through with my parents, and in return, I could offer them the same support in return. It’s why we’re such a tight-knit group.
“Do you even need to ask?” I mumble and chew on my bottom lip.
“Well, don’t feel too bad,” Axel says with a shrug. “My dad slapped me across the face last night because I forgot to take the trash out before he got home from doing whatever it is he does when he’s out.” He points to the light purple bruise forming on his left cheek. “There’s not much we can do about it, you know?”
I sigh. “Yeah, I know.”
Hudson offers a comforting smile from across the table. “Look, my parents aren’t going to be home until late because they’re going to some event. I don’t know what because I wasn’t listening, but we should get together and play some music. I know that always helps to take our mind off things.”
I smile at the idea. Playing music with my friends is a way for me to escape the chaotic thoughts swirling in my mind and allow me to forget about my parents and everything going on at home.
It’s my safe space.
“You know neither of my parents will be home, so I can stay for a little bit after school, but not too late,” I answer. A twinge of excitement dances up my fingertips at the thought of hanging out with my best friends and doing the one thing I love. “Should we continue writing the song we started last week? I have an idea for it that I want to try out.”
“Me too!” Luca says from beside me with a twinkle of joy in his eyes. “Let’s continue that song.”
Hudson chuckles. “I think it’s a great idea. I will bring my guitar and we can take turns using it.” He turns to Axel. “You in?”
Axel nods as he swallows a mouthful of dry bread. “I’m in.”
Luca nudges my side, and raises a knowing brow at me. “So, are you going to tell us about the girl you met a few weeks ago?”
“Yeah, I want to know more about her since you wouldn’t give us shit,” Axel chimes in.
The memory of her sweet voice and loud laughter echoes in the back of my mind, and I smile, wishing I could hear it again even for just a second. I don’t know her name, but I remember her face as clear as day. How could I not?
My parents got into a massive fight a couple of weeks ago, so I decided to take a walk in the local park. I needed time away from them because they were too much. I can only drown out so much of their yelling with my record player before it no longer works and their voices break through whatever song is playing. Getting some fresh air always clears my head and calms me down.
I was surprised when I spotted a very pretty young girl sitting alone on the swing set in the middle of the night with not a soul around. She seemed… sad. Her long locks covered her face as she stared mindlessly at the ground.