Page 101 of Alpha Awakening
Niev nodded and looked down at the tiny being that she was now responsible for.
“It’s normal for newborns to lose weight the first few days, but they’ll gain it back before you even know it,” Natalie further explained.
Blake leaned closer and kissed Niev’s shoulder with Emlyn in his arms. “When should we weigh them again?”
“In twenty-four hours, but don’t worry I’ll come and do all the check-ups.”
“Do you want Emlyn now?” Blake asked softly.
“It’s best if you always use both breasts to feed. Your body will adjust to that and produce milk on both sides,” Natalie encouraged.
Mayra stepped in with a plate and glass of juice in her hands. “I thought you two might want to strengthen yourselves.”
Niev smiled up at her, grateful for her thoughtfulness. “Thank you.”
“I can get you whatever you want.”
“Food is food at this point,” Niev giggled.
Blake stood up with Aruna in his arms and walked around the bed. “Can you hold her for a second while I get the bassinets?”
“How could I say no to holding my grandbaby?”
Blake set up the bassinets, one on each side of the bed and laid diapers on the nightstands so they didn’t have to walk all the way to the nursery to change them. After they had everything set up, Niev felt the urge to clean herself. Natalie had wiped her down with cloths, but Niev still didn’t feel clean.
While everyone else got their baby cuddles, Niev walked to the bathroom with Blake close by her side. He helped her into the bathtub and rinsed her down.
“I’m so proud of you,” he announced as he helped her dry off and slip into clean, comfy clothes.
“Thank you for being by my side.”
“I hope you forgive my pushiness earlier.”
“I think I would’ve broken without it.”
He took her face in his hands, kissing her deeply.
After collecting their babies, Niev and Bake laid down with one baby on each of their bare chests and the blanket covering all four of them. Niev slightly dozed off, though her sleep wasn’t deep. She was too afraid to roll and smother Aruna.
Blake, who could feel her need and worry, gently took her hand in his. “It’s okay to lay her in the bassinet or give her to me. You need rest. You don’t have to do this all alone.”
Niev gently picked up Aruna and kissed her before laying her on Blake’s chest. Niev’s eyes fell shut as soon as she knew Aruna was safely taken care of.
The next few days were spent mostly in bed cuddling with Emlyn and Aruna. Niev was still terrified of accidentally swapping them and misidentifying who was who, so they never wore the same clothes. They both looked identical with Blake’s brown eyes and dark curly hair. Ann, Mayra, and Lyliann took turns helping out, not wanting to overwhelm Niev and Blake.
Here and there the pack came by and left food or clothes for the girls with sweet congratulation notes.
Blake’s wolf was itching to meet the girls in person so after a week, Niev bundled them up in multiple layers of clothes and carried them outside with Mayra’s help. Blake was already waiting outside, his tail wagging uncontrollably.
‘I won’t be far, and he’ll be gentle.’
“I know, I trust you both.”
She felt Blake’s mind step back and his wolf emerge. He sat still like a good little puppy and watched with eager eyes as Niev came closer with Emlyn, his first born. He slowly and cautiously leaned forward and sniffed the bundle of fabric Niev held in her hands. His tail twitched in excitement, but he quickly calmed down again and nudged Emlyn with his nose.
“Do you want to meet Aruna?”