Page 100 of Alpha Awakening
“How about you lay on the bed with Blake holding you from behind? Aruna might take her time so you three can bond while we wait on her.”
Niev nodded, seemingly too exhausted and emotionally overwhelmed to find her words.
While Natalie took Emlyn and quickly examined her, Blake helped Niev climb on the bed. As soon as they settled, Natalie laid Emlyn on Niev’s chest. The skin-to-skin contact seemed to calm not only Emlyn, but Niev as well.
“How much longer?” she whispered, her voice weak and exhausted after Natalie examined her again.
“We have to wait for your contractions to start up again. I was hoping they wouldn’t stop but it seems that Aruna isn’t ready to join us yet.”
Listening to Aruna’s heartbeat with the doppler, Natalie gave Niev an encouraging smile.
Disappointment flooded Niev’s heart and Blake quickly leaned down and kissed her cheek. “I’m so proud of you.”
Niev’s mind seemed on edge. Waiting for the contractions to start up again seemed to be just as torturous as having them.
“Niev, would you like to have Mayra in here with you?”
Niev didn’t answer, but Blake could feel her need through the bond and nodded for her. “She would like that.”
Natalie quickly moved to get Mayra. As the two women approached, he listened to Natalie as she explained the situation to his mother.
“She is tired, but Aruna is taking her time. I believe she just needs some motherly love and encouragement.”
“But Aruna is in no distress?”
“No, her heartbeat is strong, but Niev’s contractions have subsided.”
His mother came into the room first and quickly made her way to Niev. Kissing her forehead, she sat next to Niev and ran her fingers lovingly over her arm.
A few moments later, Niev’s mind filled with worry. “It’s starting.”
Mayra quickly took Emlyn into her arms and called for Lyliann and Ann to take her. As soon as Emlyn was with her aunts and getting their love, his mother turned all her attention back to Niev, who was breathing as Natalie had shown her to ease her contractions.
“You are doing so good, beautiful. Just a little longer and you can hold Aruna too.”
After a few more agonizing contractions, his mother cheered. “She’s coming, sweetheart. I can see Aruna!”
Niev nodded and with the next contraction it was finally time to push again. Aruna took longer, but as soon as she was there, she started to cry. Natalie gently wrapped Aruna in a blanket and placed her on Niev’s chest, letting them both bond.
“You did it, beautiful!” Blake praised, his voice shaky, tears filling his eyes. “You did so well.”
After a few moments, Natalie examined Aruna before giving her back to Niev and offering Mayra to cut the cord. Ann and Lyliann returned Emlyn to Niev and also placed her on Niev’s chest right next to her sister. Wanting them to not just bond with Niev but with each other, Blake unwrapped Emlyn from her blanket and placed her under Aruna’s.
“They are so tiny,” Niev whispered.
“It’s terrifying, isn’t it?” Blake chucked and kissed Niev’s cheek again.
Suddenly, Niev flinched as her stomach tightened again.
“It’s just the placenta,” Natalie explained. “This will be nothing compared to the girls. Just a few small pushes”
Niev nodded and while she held their daughters, Natalie guided her through the last phase of birth.
She’d never felt so exhausted, happy, sore, and content in her whole life. Niev was now sitting on the bed with Aruna in her arms, trying to get her to latch on.
“Don’t forget that right now it’s less about her drinking. We just want to stimulate your body to start and continue lactation,” Natalie reminded her.