Page 52 of Alpha Awakening
“I do appreciate your concern but I’m pregnant, not ill. I do understand what this means and the consequences it will have for us.”
Bill’s face warmed with a smile. “I don’t think Seth meant to be rude. I think he’s just sad to see you both go. I believe that is the case for all of us.”
Niev softened. “I’m sad to leave too.”
“Before you make an official decision, would you allow me to speak to Alpha Raymond? After all it is my children and grandchildren he’s asking to take from me.”
“Of course, Father.”
“When will you be leaving?” Seth’s voice was still firm but not as harsh as before.
“Soon. I believe it is best if we leave before Emlyn and Aruna arrive. Niev will have the chance to nest, and we won’t have to travel with two newborns.”
“A wise choice,” Bill agreed.
“I was hoping you would allow Mayra to come visit us around my due date. I would like her to be there.”
“Of course. She’d be honored,” his father agreed.
“I’m sure Lyliann will be more than happy to help if you wish to have her there too,” Seth suggested.
“I do. Thank you.”
His father leaned forward and placed his elbow on the desk, resting his chin on his folded hands. “Do you and Alpha Raymond get along?”
“We do. I talked to him quite a bit about his expectations for me and the things you have taught me. We seem quite similar.”
“How about Beta Fallon?”
Though Blake would have wanted to discuss Fallon with him, he couldn’t. The nature of his actions were a secret and so Blake opted to keep his mouth shut.
“Though we didn’t have much time, I believe there is a potential to form a relationship. He has offered for me to choose my own beta, but I don’t think that is a wise choice to make considering all the changes the pack will have to go through anyway.”
“I agree with you. How long after you arrive does he want you to take his title? I believe he is quite a bit older than me.”
“We don’t have a time frame. When both of us are ready we’ll take the next step. I don’t want to take on too much too soon and make it seem as if I’m pushing him aside.”
His father nodded. “Very well. Since time seems at essence here, I’ll call Alpha Raymond right now and then we might want to break the news to the rest of the family.”
Niev stood up. “Thank you, Tanner.”
“Of course.”
Blake walked out behind Niev, followed by Seth. As soon as the door closed behind them, Seth grabbed Blake’s arm. “Are you leaving because of me?”
His words stunned Blake so much that he didn’t know how to respond.
Niev gently squeezed Seth’s arm. “Please don’t think we’re leaving because of you. I know you two had your difficulties but it’s not the reason why we’ve chosen to leave. Though Blake loves you very much and would never challenge you, his wolf is still an alpha. They suffer, unable to be what they were born to do. He may have resented you for being the first born, but that resentment has nothing to do with this decision. The Montanha Pack needs Blake and Blake needs them, to be able to live to his full potential.”
Seth took a step back and exhaled a long breath. “Of course. I didn’t mean to make this about me.”
“Seth, we’re not making this decision lightly. It saddens me to leave but it is what Selene seems to want for us and so far she has always guided us well.”
Seth pulled Niev into a tight hug, surprising Blake yet again with the affection he showed toward her. “You just started to grow on me.”
Niev quietly laughed into Seth’s chest and returned the hug. “Who will drive you crazy with disobedience now?”
An amused grin spread on Seth’s face as he looked at Blake. “My life will be boring without you two.”