Page 33 of Claiming Her Alpha
“If I’d known how my alpha stored his important papers, I wouldn’t have taken this job.”
“Are you two plotting against me?”
They laughed and searched for another thirty minutes before they finally found what they’d been looking for. After that, Kendra excused herself and left her father and Avery to discuss business. She had a hunch that Alpha Vallerian hadn’t only extended his territory, but maybe even bought land without anyone’s knowledge.
There was only one person in the pack that she knew could help her–and that person couldn’t stand her.
Granted, it wasn’t her fault–he disliked her entire family. Benjamin had been the lead warrior but had been demoted because of Kent. Instead, Kent had put his best friend, before everyone else despite that he was useless, and everyone knew it. Benjamin hadn’t taken it well and it only worsened when Kent had convinced her father to throw him out of the warrior’s tribe completely.
He now lived just outside the village hidden in the woods. It was his protest towards the pack and the way he’d been treated. But she needed to try and get him on her side anyway. He was her only hope because his investigative skills were amazing.
She knocked on the door and stepped back, stomach flipping when she met the hateful scowl of Benjamin’s face. “What do you want?”
“I’m offering peace.”
“Why doesn’t he come himself?”
“Because I am the one offering peace, not Kent.”
“And why would you do that?”
“Let me in and I’ll explain myself.”
He studied her for a moment, but then stepped aside.
“May I sit? This might take a while.”
“If you must.”
She took a seat at his breakfast table and waited for him to join before she started. “I’ll be honest with you: I came here because I need your help.”
“I won’t help you.”
“That’s what I thought. So, I’m going to offer you something in return.”
“What could you possibly have to offer me?”
“The only way to get revenge is to see your brother suffer like I did.”
“Like him watching while someone else becomes Alpha?”
He crooked his eyebrow, but the evil grin on his face told her she was right.
“I promise you that he won’t become your alpha.”
“And how are you going to do that? There is no other son to my knowledge. Believe me, I’ve tried to find him.”
“Because you looked for a son.” She let her words sink in, giving him a knowing smile and hoping he would get the hint. She wasn’t sure why, but she felt as if being vague was the safest bet. “As you may have figured out, this isn’t known to many, not even my father. I’m not quite sure how to tell him, but that’s not why I’m here.”
“Fuck my life. You want to…”
Kendra silenced him with a gesture of her hands. “I would rather not. Plot and think whatever you want, but know my heart is devoted to the pack.”
He seemed to take a moment to process her words, then nodded.
“Now, to what I was hoping you could help me with. I was hoping that you might be able to dig up some dirt on Alpha Vallerian–the land he owns in particular.”