Page 34 of Claiming Her Alpha
He leaned back and crossed his arms in front of his chest. “Taking on the big guns.”
“I know that he has gained land by widening the bloodline, so I’m just wondering if he has done more than that.”
“And why is no one else going after him?”
“I don’t believe anyone else knows.”
“Not even your father?”
“I have one condition.”
She waited for him to continue.
“I want to see the fucker’s face once he realizes that you are more than what you seem to be.”
“Look, what I am is not a secret. I’m just choosing not to share this yet.”
“I understand.”
She stood up and looked down on him. “Thank you.”
“Don’t thank me yet.”
“You allowed me into your home and talked to me. I believe that needs thanking.”
She walked out and headed back to the village. She felt as if her plan was finally forming, but didn’t quite know yet how to set it into motion. She knew sooner or later she would have to come clean with her father, but she wasn’t sure how.
Mike’s mind pushed against hers and pulled her out of her thoughts. ‘Wanna have dinner with Lina and me tonight?’
‘I’ll be right there.’
‘See you in a little bit.’
Kendra closed off her mind to him and linked her mom, letting her know that she wouldn’t be home for dinner
At their house, she was met with a warm hug from Lina and a bright grin from Mike.
“What has gotten into you two?”
Lina giggled and looked at Mike. “You can tell her.”
“We’re having a baby!” Mike blurted out.
Kendra needed a moment to internalize the news and then her heart exploded in both joy for her friends and pain as she was just reminded again of what she was missing with Ryker. Trying to hide her mixture of emotions, she let her eyes flicker between the two of them.
“I’m pregnant!” Lina proudly announced.
“Oh…” Kendra pulled them both into a hug, tears running down her cheeks. “That’s amazing!”
“I think we broke her,” Mike chuckled.
Lina quickly handed her a tissue.
“I’m just surprised, that’s all. How long have you known?”