Page 100 of Crystal Luna
Her hair was still in the French braid, but she’d swapped her t-shirt for a light blue blouse that showed just the right amount of skin.
“We’ll be ready in a few minutes.”
She nodded and left again while they retreated to their bedroom.
“Great now we look like idiots,” Asher murmured as Isaiah handed him a button up shirt that matched her blouse.
“I think blue makes you look smart.”
“That’s not what I meant.”
Isaiah simply laughed it off and tamed his hair with a little bit of gel—a move that Asher copied. As children, they’d discovered it was just fun to be identical. Though as they got older, they discovered it had its perks.
When they couldn’t be told apart, they were able to keep a certain amount of distance from others. Even the past few days, Asher had enjoyed the fact that no one could tell them apart—especially Alpha Heath. Though his daughter, Mia, seemed to have an eye for that.
“She did seem to get us right every time,” Isaiah said in response to his thought.
“She has Vel’s sense. She was always able to tell us apart too. Even when we tried to switch it up on her.”
“We haven’t done that in a while,” Isaiah mused, walking straight out the front door.
Ash was right behind him, his eyes immediately finding Vel off to the side by the garages. She was pushing a dirt bike into its designated spot, laughing at something one of the warriors said.
As they approached, she turned her head towards them, brows fusing as their eyes met.
“Oh, that’s freaking adorable—you three have matching outfits,” one of them said with a sincere smile.
She didn’t respond, yanking the keys out of the ignition.
When they were close enough, the one who’d spoken stepped forward with an outstretched hand. “Leroy.”
The twins introduced themselves in turn, Asher first, then Isaiah
“I’m not even going to try and tell you apart,” Leroy admonished.
“That’s the whole point, you know?” Vel told them, revealing their plan.
“Well duh, asshat!” Leroy laughed. “I’m still not gonna try.”
Two more warriors they didn’t know yet stepped up to introduce themselves: Dan and Keelan. They seemed to be just as friendly as Leroy, though that was likely because they didn’t know the whole truth.
“Maybe we can take you for a ride when we get home,” Asher suggested as he ran his fingers over the seat of Vel’s dirt bike. “The snow is basically gone now.”
She shrugged, but Leroy saved her from having to verbally respond.
“So, most of the year it’s winter for you?”
Isaiah nodded. “Yes, summers are short and the winters are usually quite rough.”
“Oh wow.”
Vel quickly changed the subject. “C’mon let’s get going.”
Though she probably didn’t like it, she didn’t protest when he and Isaiah took either side of her, forcing her to walk in the middle.
“When the snow falls again, we could also ride the snowmobiles.”
“It’s actually quite fun,” Isaiah offered.