Page 134 of Crystal Luna
Vel’s silence was almost worse than her insults. He’d just closed his eyes and resigned himself to the fact he’d be spending the night there when Isaiah appeared and took a seat in front of him.
Asher was about to drift off when her footsteps came closer. He sat up just in time for the door to open.
“You two are pathetic.”
“And you a cold-hearted bitch,” Isaiah grumbled, shock painting Vel and Asher’s features.
Crooking her eyebrow, her furious eyes rested on Isaiah. “That I expected of Asher.”
She turned away from them but left the door open so Asher quickly scrambled to his feet. The room still looked like it had when they’d renovated it: empty. But Vel had spent most of her time outside of the house so he supposed he couldn’t expect much. She only had the nightlight on, which threw shadows on the walls. Vel looked at them with tired eyes as she curled up underneath the blankets.
While Asher was unsure what to do, Isaiah practically stormed past him and laid on the opposite side of the bed, his back turned to Vel in some form of protest despite the fact he couldn’t stay away from her. Vel cracked him—and he hated that.
Though they were in a silent war, Asher didn’t want to push himself between them. As if she could sense that, Vel moved into the middle of the bed. His heart leapt and his feet moved immediately, taking him to her. She even let him have some of the blanket. At least, he interpreted it that way when she didn’t jerk it away from him.
He lay on his side, his hand itching to touch her but he didn’t dare move. He was just happy she allowed him to be that close while she slept. He closed his eyes, letting her scent wrap him in a cocoon of warmth as he drifted off to sleep.
Asher only woke up when he felt the mattress next to him lighten. He reached a hand out, his eyes opening when he found the bed between them empty. Vel stepped into the hallway and went downstairs.
“Talk to me,” she said with a sad tone that made his heart ache.
Confused, he looked at Isaiah who was still laying on the bed too. “She’s on the phone.”
She seemed to settle on the couch with a deep sigh. “Anything Rayan. Just tell me about your day or the weather… Nothing happened… No…. Can you please just talk about anything but me?”
Rayan talked and she listened, only giving short answers here and there. After a while she sighed again.
“It’s complicated. The more time I spend here the more I hate it, but the bond just strengthens… I haven’t talked to anyone—I barely even talk to them.”
She then broke into quiet sobs, making Asher blink against the burning in his own eyes.
“I want to go home, but I know I can’t. I just feel lost. I don’t want to be here. There are expectations for me I don’t care to meet.”
Vel softly cried while the assumed Rayan attempted to soothe her.
“If you do that, I’ll beat you up.” Then she laughed and started telling Rayan about how she’d kicked alpha ass.
It seemed to lighten her mood and that was all that mattered. He closed his eyes and listened to his defeat from her point of view. Suddenly, his ego felt a little less bruised.
Isaiah chuckled. “She can kick your ass all day every day if it makes her happy.”
“Agreed,” Asher confirmed shamelessly.
They heard Vel end her phone call, then a few minutes later she appeared in the doorframe, leaning against it while she sipped on her Coke. “I want rules,” she announced. Both men shot to attention to listen to whatever it was she had to say.
“Rules of engagement?” Isaiah asked.
“We’re listening,” Asher assured.
“This room stays mine, no matter what. If I don’t call you in here, you’re not welcome. And that also means no sieges to get what you want.”
They both nodded emphatically.
“I want a list of expectations you have of me as luna. I will go through it and discuss which ones I see are necessary and which ones I can delegate.”
Two more nods.