Page 168 of Crystal Luna
“We don’t have time,” he snapped.
“Isaiah, she’s just trying to help.”
He seemed to take a centering breath, and when he spoke again his voice was much softer. “I’m sorry, I know. It’s just… the pack—they need someone to talk to. We can’t handle all the requests at once so we need someone who can take certain tasks and come to us with bigger things.”
“I’m sure they’ll understand that it’s not a decision to be made lightly. Maybe you should let them decide: see who they go to in Ely’s absence.”
Though Isaiah bristled at the suggestion, Asher chuckled. “I think you might be onto something, Luna. That might help us narrow things down.”
“Fine,” Isaiah grunted. “But we can’t wait too long.”
“Perfect, that’s another thing off the list,” Velora chirped far too playfully. “I’ll go find Axel to try and get more things off my mind.”
“Don’t forget we’re more than happy to make you forget that list completely,” Asher teased with an adorable half smirk on his lips.
She leaned down and kissed his cheek. “Don’t get too cocky.”
“Shame. It was worth a try.”
Velora then turned to Isaiah and gave him a peck on the cheek as well. “Let me know if I can do any of the beta duties in the meantime.”
Without another word, she slipped into her shoes and left.
As Velora walked, she was unexpectedly hit with a warm breeze that reminded her of summers on the Howler’s territory. It was like a punch to the gut. She had a brief urge to run straight into Heath’s arms—until she remembered that he wouldn’t return her affection. Not like he’d used to, at least.
She took a deep breath in and let it out through closed lips. Trying to get back on track, she searched for Axel’s mind. It was odd seeking someone she hadn’t linked with yet, but knowing him personally made it easier.
‘Where are you?’
‘In my office.’
‘Mind if I come see you?’
‘Not at all, Luna.’
She cut the link and made her way over to the first warrior’s home. Her body worked off muscle memory, knowing it would still be the place located closest to the training facilities. She wasn’t exactly looking forward to it, knowing that she’d likely run into Larissa. But she didn’t care to make a scene by asking Axel to meet her elsewhere. She knocked before she pushed the door open, and turned to her left where Axel and Luka were bent over a table of maps.
They both quickly straightened their posture and bowed their heads. “Luna.”
“What’s this?” she asked, approaching the table.
“Talking defence strategies,” Axel explained while Luka stayed humble and quiet. That’s just how the ranks worked: the higher up answered questions while the lower stayed quiet until they were spoken to.
Velora pulled up a chair and studied the maps herself. “I thought we could discuss your strategy for the village—which warriors will stay behind with me.”
“Of course.” He reached under the maps and pulled out another that displayed the village. “I would like to have the families that live outside the village return to us. Maybe move into our guest quarters.”
“So it’s easier to protect them.”
“Yes, Luna. I was thinking of discreetly positioning the men: if they can’t see our patrols, we get the advantage of surprise.”
Axel then began to point out vantage points where his men could hide and still keep an eye on the village.
“Luka has offered to stay with you,” he explained, much to Velora’s surprise.