Page 169 of Crystal Luna
“Are you sure you wanna do that?” she teased, crooking a brow at the man.
“Of course, Luna.” His tone was so serious that she couldn’t help but grin.
“Who else has volunteered to sacrifice themselves?”
Though Luka tried not to show his confusion, Axel grinned and handed her a list. “You’ve left quite an impression, Luna.”
She playfully tossed her hair over her shoulder. “I mean… Just look at me.”
Velora took the list and scanned the names, having no objections to any of them. Renly was on the list, but she only disliked him for how much he looked like Ely—that wasn’t his fault.
“I’ll take whoever you can spare. Do you get along with all of them, Luka?”
“I do.”
“Well, you pick then. I’ll trust your judgement.”
He took the list and proceeded to make mental notes on who he wanted.
“How about we meet up with them today, Axel? We can walk everyone through the plan.”
“I can gather them in a few minutes.”
“Straight to the point—I like your style.” Then she added with a mischievous grin, “Don’t tell your alphas I complimented you yet again. I’m not sure their egos can handle that.”
He gave her a sweet smile. “As you wish.”
She relaxed deeper into the chair and found herself staring at the maps once again. “I hate waiting.”
“It gives us time to prepare.”
“You’re the glass-half-full kind of guy, huh?”
Another soft smile. “I am.”
Footsteps made Velora tense in her seat. She didn’t have to see to know it was Larissa. She entered the room with a pitcher of lemonade and three glasses, dipping her head slightly in her luna’s direction.
“I thought you all might need a drink?”
Axel looked at her with so much love in his eyes that it made Velora uncomfortable. Of course it was natural but to Velora, Larissa was the same self-centred bitch from all those years ago.
Larissa continued to pour everyone a glass of lemonade “Will you want me to wait for you to have lunch?”
“I’m not sure how long we will take—eat whenever you’re hungry.”
Velora tried to keep a straight face but knew she wasn’t able to hide the depths of her dislike towards Larissa. Just like everyone else, she’d made her life so much harder than it had to be. She was more than happy that Larissa left the glasses on the table instead of handing them out.
Larissa bowed her head quickly towards Velora before disappearing out of sight again. “Let me know if you need anything else.”
She turned her gaze out the window, not wanting Axel to see the emotions written across her face.
“Maybe we can brief everyone in the living room?” Axel suggested.
“Might be best,” she agreed, though she didn’t want to stay a second longer than necessary. “We don’t want the pack to overhear all the details.”
Velora leaned in the archway, watching as warriors slowly piled into the living space. She knew she looked like a stone-cold bitch, but she wasn’t there to make friends.
Axel waited for everyone to settle before he briefed them on the plan and explained their positions on the map. He assigned two warriors per post so they could take turns if necessary. Questions were answered, and the warriors slowly filed out again. Though before Renly could leave, Velora stepped in front of him.