Page 181 of Crystal Luna
“They want to attack us from multiple angles.” Asher knew he was pointing out the obvious, but it was more for himself.
“Yes, Alpha. I believe we should let them get to these points—” He pointed at three spots on the map, “—before we strike. That will give them false security.”
“We could add traps along the way,” Isaiah agreed.
“I can get right to it and make sure our men know the territory even better than they already do.”
“Isaiah and I will take on a group of warriors each while you take the third. Vel will make sure the village is safe.”
“Yes, Alpha.”
“But we should take into account that this could be a trap in itself.”
Isaiah growled, not liking how thin they were already stretched. “Our warriors’ numbers are limited so that might be pushing things.”
“We’ll have to mobilise everyone. I can pair up seasoned ones with the lesser experienced and make sure each group has the same number of warriors.”
“I don’t like this.”
“Neither do I, but what choice do we have?” Asher asked.
They stayed up all night, weighing out possibilities and going over the list of men that were able to fight. They only operated with a rough estimate of the number of rogues, which worried them because they outnumbered the Crystal’s warriors.
At some point, Vel appeared and scolded them for not waking her. They only managed a few hours of sleep in the early morning before preparations with the warriors began.
They spent every hour of the upcoming days preparing for the attack. Asher loved watching Vel bloom like she was born to be a warrior. He couldn’t help but think that her father would be proud of the daughter he’d raised.
‘She only had to fight because of us.’ Isaiah told him. They both leaned against a tree and watched Vel’s wolf fight with Luka’s.
It was an effort to train the warriors up just a little bit more. She was slimmer than the average wolf, but her frame gave her an advantage with agility—something most wolves didn’t have.
‘I know. I wish she’d never had to become strong because we were too weak to protect her even from ourselves.’
Isaiah quickly changed the topic to stop them both from spiralling with dark thoughts. ‘Were your men able to set up the traps?’
‘Yes, everything is set.’
They expected the rogues to take advantage of nightfall and attack under the cover of darkness. Since it was early in the day, everyone was slowly taking their positions and resting up. Asher and Isaiah were set to leave in just a few hours.
They waited for Vel and Luka to finish before stepping out of their hiding spot. They smirked when all the men turned their backs to Vel as she shifted. Until she was dressed, not a single man moved—not even an inch.
Vel smiled as she saw them approach, then turned to Luka. “Luka, do you mind coming by later on to talk over a few last things?”
“Not at all, Luna,” he said, turning hesitantly and sighing with relief to see that she was dressed.
“How about you bring Carrie too and we can have an early lunch?”
“Of course, Luna.”
“Wonderful. I’ll see you then.”
He bowed his head and turned to the men, advising them to rest up and take it easy before they had to take their positions.
‘Nicely done,’ Isaiah complimented.
‘I thought if it came from me, it would be less suspicious.’
‘You did well, moonlight.’