Page 182 of Crystal Luna
Vel beamed beneath his praise. He’d noticed that every time he and Isaiah used her pet names a faint blush tinged her cheeks. He loved it but didn’t want it to lose its magic, so he didn’t use his—moonlight— too often.
Upon returning home, Asher took Vel’s hand and pulled her upstairs into her bathroom.
“What are you doing?” she asked as he made her sit on the bathtub rim.
“Spoiling you so you’re all pampered and prepared for the fight.”
Isaiah leaned against the doorframe with a sweet smile on his lips.
“I’m fine, you know?” Though her protest was weak as she watched him fill the tub.
Asher rummaged through the cabinets, holding up a bottle in each hand once he found what he was looking for. “Rose or peach?”
Then he turned to Isaiah. “Make yourself useful and help undress our warrior.”
“Don’t have to tell me twice.”
While Isaiah helped a very capable Vel out of her clothes, Asher filled the bathtub and made sure the water was hot enough. He’d noticed she showered extremely hot, so he did the same to her bathwater.
Isaiah helped her slip into the steaming water, which immediately turned her skin red.
“Too hot?” he asked, concerned.
But she only grinned at him and shook her head. “Are you two not joining?”
Asher’s eyes looked down at her and tried to calculate if they both were able to somehow fit in there with her.
Isaiah let out an amused laugh. “Hop in, Ash.”
He opened his mouth to protest but quieted once he felt his brother’s answer in the bond.
Asher undressed and slipped into the water behind Vel while Isaiah made himself comfortable on the floor beside the tub. He kicked his shoes off and lost his shirt, letting the cool porcelain soothe his warm skin. Vel leaned into Asher’s chest and ran her fingers lazily through Isaiah’s hair.
“I hate that I enjoy you two so much.”
Isaiah simply looked at her, nothing but adoration in his eyes. “We know.”
“You can punish us for it later,” Asher offered.
“I’d rather you punish Ash while I tell you what a good job you’re doing.”
Pressing his lips against her neck, Asher tried not to let his blood rush south. He hadn’t wanted this to turn sexual. “Even though I think that’s fucking hot, maybe we can do that after all this is over.”
Isaiah’s lips curled into a content smile, his hair getting soaked as Vel dripped water onto it. “Something to look forward to.”
“I still hate you both.”
“And we’ll always love you more,” Isaiah hummed.
Then she did something that surprised them both. With a quick shift of her body, she had her fingers wrapped around Isaiah’s throat, nails digging into his skin. He froze, unsure of what to do. She leaned forward and forcefully tilted his head more towards her. It was visibly painful, but Isaiah didn’t dare to try and wrench out of her grip.
“Don’t either of you dare even think about not returning to me. Because once I return to Isis and find you, I will punish both of you with no mercy.”
Fuck, they both silently groaned.
Then, she leaned back against Asher’s chest again with a wicked smile on her lips. Her fingers loosened on Isaiah’s throat, and she ran a soothing thumb over the indents she’d left behind.